Your March 12 Weekly Horoscope Says Now Is the Time to Make Your Dreams a Reality

Weekly Horoscope for March 12 through March 18
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

The winter season is nearly over, but we're not springing forward just yet. After all, your March 12 weekly horoscope marks a significant turning point after experiencing some of the more pivotal transits the last few months of 2022. But with Saturn making its official ingress into Pisces on March 7, this is the perfect time to cultivate a connection with your higher self and make your dreams a reality.

This week begins on a mystifying note, as the moon will dance with Neptune before concluding its journey through Scorpio. Intuitive visions are heightened at this time, so don't overlook what's being brought to your attention. Speaking of which, during the last-quarter moon in Sagittarius on March 14, Mars will square off with Neptune for the third and final time. (For reference, Mars first squared off with Neptune on Oct. 11 and again for a second time on Nov. 19.)

It's worth noting that, in Gemini, Mars is driven by the desire to obtain facts and relay the message with confidence. However, these "facts" become diluted when in the presence of Neptune, which is why coming to a concrete conclusion might feel more challenging than usual. Either way, this final meeting between Mars and Neptune will likely serve as a signal to set firm boundaries.

On March 15, the sun will join forces with Neptune, and then, the following day, Mercury's conjunction to Neptune will happen. This energy will likely add to the ongoing confusion to what you may be experiencing, thanks to Neptune, but this is all the more reason to pencil in additional downtime on your calendar.

That same day, March 16, Venus will face off with Pluto before concluding its transit through Aries. This is another transit to take into consideration, especially with both of these planets transiting through the final degree of their prospective signs. Having said that, if Venus in Aries speaks to your autonomous desires and individual sense of security, Pluto's final pit stop through Capricorn could be a lot for you to handle. Reflect on this finale because Venus's debut in Taurus on March 16 is when you'll finally get your groove back. Don't hesitate to prioritize your value systems, tend to your own garden, and stop and smell the roses during this time.

If you're wondering what else this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for March 12 through March 18 according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the year ahead, also read your 2023 yearly horoscope.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

You're experiencing a transformation, Aries. The week of March 12 begins on a big note with the Scorpio moon's trine to Neptune. This energy will make you equally as intuitive as you are suspicious of what's to come. More importantly, however, Mars will face off with Neptune for the third and final time, which is where things get interesting. Think back to when Mars first faced off with Neptune on Oct. 11 and again Nov. 19, 2022. Use the time to assess what in your life still needs clarity — this could be anything from a lack of closure to a desire for actual evidence that has been on your mind lately.

On March 15, the sun and Mercury will join forces with Neptune, and this energy will encourage you to release expectations and go with the flow. Venus will then be concluding its journey through your sign on March 16, but it will go head to head with Pluto beforehand. During this time, you may come to realize that an identity, relationship, or value you associated with has most likely reached its expiration date. The good news is, Venus's ingress into Taurus will not only ground you, but also bring you back to basics — specifically in regard to your sense of security and moneymaking abilities. Pat yourself on the back because, yes, you did it.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

You're giving a lot of thought to your sense of belonging in the world, Taurus. On March 12, when the Scorpio moon meets with Neptune, you could gain some unexpected insight. This is especially prominent when it comes to your boundaries or lack thereof. Fast forward to March 14, the date Mars will clash with Neptune for the third and last time, creating friction — maybe as it relates to some sort of collaborative effort, maybe as it relates to an ongoing investment you need more clarity on.

On March 15, the sun will join forces with Neptune, which means the general confusion you're experiencing will more than likely continue, unfortunately. Use this time to reflect on what is actually worthy of your investment. Then, leave it to Venus's square to Pluto on March 16 to set the record straight, especially for those of you in the process of leaving a significant chapter behind. Fortunately, with Venus making its dazzling debut in your sign shortly after, you'll have plenty of reason to celebrate moving forward.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

You're being encouraged to surrender a routine that no longer brings you results, Gemini. The week of March 12 begins with the transformative moon in Scorpio forming a trine to all-encompassing Neptune. Whether personally or professionally, this healing synergy can be equally as liberating as it is revelatory. More importantly, however, during the last-quarter moon in Sagittarius on March 14, Mars will face off with Neptune in Pisces for the third and final time. This could trigger some friction between your desire to take action and relay an important message versus the confusion surrounding your sense of authority. Though things may seem up in the air, this won't last for long.

Fortunately, both the sun and Mercury will be joining forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16, which means that instead of moving forward with a plan of action, you are more than likely to surrender an ideal or vision you had initially attached yourself to. Venus will also square off with Pluto on March 16, highlighting everything from your newfound identity to the chapter of life you're ready to leave behind. Free yourself of commitments if it feels right.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Don't let the unknown plague your mind this week, Cancer. The moon will harmonize with Neptune before it concludes its journey through Scorpio, and just because this may make you lack clarity when it comes to a potential outcome, know that you can still harness the magic of your creativity. More importantly, during the last-quarter moon in Sagittarius on March 14, Mars will square off with Neptune for the third and final time, shaking up your secretive 12th house of unconscious patterns and ninth house of belief systems. The truth will set you free, even if that means leaving it entirely up to the universe.

With both the sun and Mercury joining forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16, you could feel as if your long-term visions are clouded by a hazy fog. Nevertheless, when considering Venus's square to Pluto, there will be a professional identity or value system you may be ready to leave behind. Though this may make things feel off for you, Venus's ingress into Taurus will not only bring your mojo back but also increase the likelihood of you encountering fruitful prospects that are worthy of your investment moving forward.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

You're being encouraged to set firm boundaries this week, Leo. To kick off your week, the moon will harmonize with Neptune on March 12, bringing emphasis to your fourth house of emotional foundations and eighth house of intimate unions. This could have something to do with your family or your current place of residence. More importantly, during the last-quarter moon in Sagittarius on March 14, Mars will face off with Neptune for the third and final time. Whether socially or in terms of your shared resources, this transit could trigger a push-and-pull dynamic between your desire to assert yourself in a community setting and the lack of clarity you're experiencing when it comes down to a particular commitment.

The sun and Mercury will both be joining forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16, which is where you are being encouraged to either create stronger boundaries or simply surrender your attachment to a particular outcome. On a brighter note, Venus will be making its debut in Taurus later that day. So, whether it be a promotion you've been waiting for or a new professional venture you're exploring, you have the confidence and charm to get the job done, and well.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Keep your eyes on the prize, Virgo. The week of March 12 begins with the moon concluding its journey through Scorpio, all while making a harmonious trine to Neptune in your relationship sector. Whether personally or professionally, this synergy will help you gain insight on a significant partnership, even if it's subliminal at first. Shortly after, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in Sagittarius and Mars will also square off with Neptune for the third and final time. This could create friction between your desire to take the lead in your professional life and the blurred lines that surround a significant partnership. As if this weren't hazy enough, both the sun and Mercury will be joining forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16. If you're not being guided to hold space for a significant other's needs at this time, then you could end up surrendering the entire connection. Whether it be a conversation you have yet to have or an idea you're aspiring toward, letting the universe take the wheel is your best bet under this transit.

On another note, Venus will be clashing with Pluto on March 16, which simultaneously urges you to confront a new identity you have yet to tap into, specifically when it comes to your personal autonomy in relationships. Luckily, with Venus entering Taurus shortly after, you will find your grounding and stability sooner than you realize. Be it via an entrepreneurial journey or long-distance relationship, you know what you want, and more importantly, you know what you're worth.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Don't let the uncertainties surrounding your day-to-day affairs cloud your long-term visions, Libra. The week of March 12 begins with the moon concluding its journey through Scorpio, all while making a trine to Neptune via your sixth house of health, routines, and due diligence. Whether personally or professionally, this healing synergy could bring forth some much-needed insight and an intuitive nudge that will bring you back to speed. The universe checks in with us from time to time, so open your heart to these divine messages. Shortly after, Mars will face off with Neptune for a third and final square, shaking up your ninth house of belief systems and sixth house of daily routines. This continues to create a sense of ambiguity, specifically when it comes to your long-term pursuits and current plan of action. Things may not necessarily be set in stone, but this is no reason to stop dreaming.

With both Mercury and the sun joining forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16, you are being encouraged to take a load off and be more mindful of your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Shortly after, Venus will square off with Pluto on March 16, so if you've been unconsciously attached to an identity when it comes to a significant other's family, or simply not prioritizing your personal autonomy, this could be brought to your attention at this time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Follow your heart's desires, Scorpio. The moon will dance with Neptune in your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression before concluding its journey through your sign on March 12. Whether creatively or romantically, this could bring some intuitive insight your way, so don't undermine the synchronicities. Shortly after, during the last-quarter moon in Sagittarius, Mars will face off with Neptune for the third and final time. Whether personally or professionally, this could create friction between your desire to move forward in a commitment and the ambiguity surrounding your personal desires toward an initiative. With both the sun and Mercury joining forces with Neptune in this area of your chart on March 15 and 16, you're being encouraged to trust the process and allow things to unfold as they should.

Just in time for Venus in Aries's final square to Pluto in Capricorn that same day, you could feel as if an identity you associated with in your day-to-day life is no longer resonating with the person you aspire to become. Fortunately, with Venus entering Taurus and your relationship sector shortly after, you will have the confidence, charm, and desire to take the lead and move toward something that holds value.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Don't be afraid to confront buried emotions, Sagittarius. The week of March 12 begins with the moon concluding its journey through Scorpio and your 12th house of secrets, inhibitions, closure, and unconscious patterns. The moon will then harmonize with Neptune via your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, which can be just as healing as it is revelatory. On March 14, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in your sign, all while Mars faces off with Neptune for the third and final time. This transit will highlight a lack of clarity or boundary between a significant other and your family unit.

Keep in mind, Mercury and the sun will join forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16, suggesting the possibility of you surrendering a long-time burden you've been repressing. Sure, this may not be the best transit for clarity, but you're being encouraged to trust the process nonetheless. Later in the week, with Venus making its final square to Pluto, you'll gain clarity on an identity you no longer resonate with, specifically when it comes to your individual desires and self-autonomy. Venus's shift into Taurus soon after brings charm, abundance, and harmony to your day-to-day affairs.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Despite your productivity levels, you could feel a lack of clarity around an endeavor you have in mind, Capricorn. Before the moon wraps up in Scorpio and your 11th house of future visions, the moon will dance with Neptune via your communication sector. Whether online or in person, this could help you gain unexpected insight and maybe even validation you've been secretly longing for.

More importantly, amid the first-quarter moon in Sagittarius, Mars will face off with Neptune for its third and final square. This synergy could challenge you to create balance between your day-to-day mindset and your ideal way of accomplishing something. You may be overidealizing a specific endeavor or may even be overlooking the severity and magnitude surrounding this goal. Fortunately, with Venus debuting in Taurus soon after, you will not only have the creative muse, but also the charisma to take the lead. This is reminding you to choose yourself above all because you're worth it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

You're taking your power back, Aquarius. The week of March 12 begins on a more serious note, given the moon's journey through Scorpio and your 10th house of authority, reputation, and notoriety. The moon will also meet with Neptune in a harmonious trine, activating your second house of values, finances, and sense of security. This is where you could gain some sort of enlightenment on next steps, or maybe even an intuitive decision to take on a professional venture.

During the last-quarter moon in Sagittarius and your 11th house of associations on March 14, Mars will go head to head with Neptune for the third and final time, triggering a sense of restlessness and ambiguity in regard to your passion projects and sense of self-worth. Instead of succumbing to the uncertainties of this synergy, however, you're being encouraged to trust yourself and take the lead. Whether personally or professionally, you have the courage, confidence, and strategy to take action. Both the sun and Mercury will be joining forces with Neptune on March 15 and 16, and this is where you are being reminded to be gentle with yourself and have more compassion for all you've been able to accomplish thus far. To wrap up the week, on March 16, Venus will also go head to head with Pluto, highlighting your attachment to a specific community and environment you may no longer resonate with.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For March 12, 2023

Stay grounded and create stronger boundaries in your personal life, Pisces. The week of March 12 begins on an intuitive note, as the moon will dance with Neptune in your sign before wrapping things up in Scorpio. This synergy will help you gain insight on a personal philosophy and provide clarity on a long-term goal you aspire to accomplish someday. On March 14, Mars will face off with Neptune in your sign for the third and final time, shaking up your first house of self and fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. Think about if you are being clear with your family and loved ones. If there's a boundary that needs to be set or a conversation that needs to take place, this could be brought to the surface at this time.

On March 15 and 16, both the sun and Mercury will join forces with Neptune in your sign, which is where you are most likely to reconnect with your higher self. Venus's square to Pluto on March 16 will challenge you to honor both your sense of security and sense of belonging in the world. Ask yourself, are you settling or are you being honest when it comes to achieving your individual dreams? If not now, when? If not you, then who?

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