#BestPartOfThe90s Will Slap You With Some Serious Nostalgia

Who can question the greatness of the '90s? Seriously, the decade birthed some of the most memorable moments in pop culture and technology, including Hit Clips, Game Boys, *NSYNC, and Saturday morning cartoons. We can go on for days. But how hard would it be to choose one thing that represents how bomb growing up in the '90s was? Well, Twitter users are taking a trip down memory lane with #BestPartOfThe90s to help hash it out and it is seriously taking us back. We've rounded up some of our favorite throwbacks, so read on to get slapped with some serious nostalgia.

We just had to catch 'em all.

OMG whose parents bought these for them?

Buffy slayed, literally.

Which Spice Girl did you pretend to be?

Waking up on Saturday morning with a bowl of cereal was the best . . .

Because who didn't want to be Xena?

You knew these original movies were going to be the bomb.

Netflix who?

Getting really into playing fortune teller in the schoolyard.

Best. Feeling. Ever

Forget the Running Man Challenge — this was our kind of dance.

Who needed technology when you had a slinky?

Blowing into one of these for minutes at a time, thinking it would actually do something.

Kids these days will never know the struggle.

So hard to choose, because it was all so amazing!

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