Why Am I So Obsessed With Halo Brows, This New Reverse Unibrow Trend?

I know what you're going to say: "Those dang kids with their squiggle brows and nostril hair extensions. What is happening to the world? Every day we stray from God's light. Do we really need another Instagram beauty trend?"

The answer, you fun-hater, is yes. There's a new brow kid on the block, and I don't know why but it's my favorite thing since sliced bread brows (those aren't real, but should be). Ladies and gentlemen, halo brows, as the look's creator has dubbed it, are here. To paraphrase Beyoncé, I can definitely see the halo (halo) effect of this look, but I prefer to think of it as a reverse unibrow. And it's cool, damn it.

Hannah Lyne, a 16-year-old from Huddersfield, UK, coined the term. Hannah told POPSUGAR that halo brows can be traced back to fishtail brows, which were until now the last great "new Instagram trend." (Those, in turn, take influence from '90s hip-hop brow slits — it's all connected, friends.)

"I was having a conversation with a friend trying to come up with a new idea for a look, and all of a sudden it came to me that I should connect my brow tails," Hannah explained. "This look was influenced by fishtail brows; seeing the way my brow flicked upwards inspired the idea of just carrying the brow on until it met in the middle."

All good brow trends need a catchy name, and Hannah actually took a commenter's suggestion for halo brows. This bold, circular look is totally hypnotizing, and I am hereby dubbing it the greatest piece of art of our time. Seriously, don't try to come at me if you're trying to diss halo brows. Hey, they laughed at Picasso, too.