Kim Kardashian Teases a Fragrance Inspired by . . . Her Butt, I Guess?

Warning: Photos of Kim Kardashian's very naked body ahead.

Kim Kardashian may be the the only perfume mogul whose brand can sell out a launch even though the product is impossible to smell before you buy. It happened with both of her past two releases, Gardenia and Kimoji, and we've got a hunch it will be a similar story for her upcoming fragrance, which is partly inspired by that famous asset of hers.

In the Instagram post above, you can see what appears to be Kim's body molded out of sand. While we know and love Kim for much more than her butt (her ridiculously impressive résumé reads like a laundry list of accomplishments by now), it's safe to say that the 37-year-old mother of three has always celebrated her tush. And this launch is no exception!

Kim told Business of Fashion a little more about the fragrance, but didn't reveal too much, because why spoil the hype? "It's really cool. The scent is so good, I'm so proud of it. It smells to me like what I would think golden smells like, even though that's a color and something that's just luminous," she said.

As with anything the beauty developer puts out, people are basically lining the streets to purchase it. Many noted how the sand figurines look a bit like Jean-Paul Gaultier's iconic torso-shaped perfume packaging, and others hoped that the sea-themed announcement might give hint to a light, aquatic scent. This could be the perfect poolside fragrance for Summer — just add a tiki drink!

The booty-tastic offering will launch on April 30, and by now it sort of goes without saying it will probably fly off of KKW Fragrance's virtual shelves. So set those calendar alerts, and check out Kim's promotional images (sans clothing) ahead.

On April 26, Kim showed the full bottle in all its glory

On April 26, Kim showed the full bottle in all its glory

Kim took to Snapchat to say that the bottle comes "on a statue pedestal."