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Common Skin-Care Mistake #2: Changing Routines Frequently

As fun as it can be to try new skin-care products, doing so too frequently can leave you with more woes than you started with.

"I know that it can be frustrating to have breakouts and blemishes, but the tendency is to research new products and try too many at one time or switch them out before the active ingredients have a chance to make an impact on the skin," said Corey L. Hartman, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, AL. "Most ingredients will take at least four to six weeks of consistent use before making changes that are noticeable, so hang in there and give them a chance to work."

If after six weeks of using a product you still don't notice a difference, then you should see your dermatologist to find a better solution.