8 Naturium Products That Diminished My Acne and Dark Spots, Gently Yet Effectively

POPSUGAR Photography | Anvita Reddy
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I have been dealing with acne and the resulting hyperpigmentation for as long as I can remember. Not only does treatment take patience and time, but also money. I've splurged on potent serums, chemical peels and treatments, prescription retinoids, and the works, hoping for a quick fix, but my skin would retaliate with more breakouts. I was doing too much.

I did not know this until I stumbled across the Mixed Makeup YouTube channel and got introduced to Susan Yara. She preached about how a daily skin-care routine has to be gentle and hydrating to be effective in the long run (and, of course, always wear sunscreen). Her skin-care line, Naturium, embodies that exact sentiment.

Naturium lets you build your own skin-care regimen and mix and match products according to your skin type and skin concerns, all at an affordable cost. Since I deal with hormonal breakouts and stubborn hyperpigmentation, I chose products that targeted those concerns.

Across the board, each of the products I used was gentle yet effective. My skin felt more hydrated and even-toned, and not once did my skin get flaky or irritated. Plus, my dark spots and hyperpigmentation lightened, and my hormonal breakouts were kept at bay. Keep reading to see my in-depth review of each product I used from Naturium — all $25 and under.

Naturium Vitamin C Complex Serum

The Naturium Vitamin C Complex Serum ($20) is formulated with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E. I use the serum every morning to brighten and add a little hydration — two pumps for my face, neck, and chest. It sinks into skin quick, leaving it plump and prepped for my sunscreen. A lot of vitamin C, especially those in a dropper bottle, start to turn yellow and oxidize. The Naturium Vitamin C Complex Serum uses a pump so you never really expose the serum to the outside world, which keeps it efficacious.

Naturium Vitamin C Super Serum Plus

The Naturium Vitamin C Super Serum Plus ($25) contains a powerhouse combination of vitamin C, retinol, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and salicylic acid. I love to use a few drops of this serum morning and night only when I have a hormonal breakout. By the time I have to wash my face, either after a long day or when I wake up in the morning, my skin looks smoother. Although there are a lot of potent ingredients, it's gentle and hydrating to use night and day as long as you wear sunscreen.

Naturium Niacinamide Cleansing Gel 3%

The Naturium Niacinamide Cleansing Gel 3% ($18) comes out with a soapy, jelly consistency but it performs like a cream cleanser. It's a gentle, hydrating formula that I use as a second cleanse to wash my face without leaving it feeling stripped. On the days you wear makeup or a heavy mineral sunscreen, I recommend using an oil cleanser as a first cleanse, or cleanse twice with the Naturium Niacinamide Cleansing Gel.

Naturium Alpha Arbutin Serum 2%

The Naturium Alpha Arbutin Serum 2% ($20) contains two percent alpha arbutin, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide to target and diminish dark spots and hyperpigmentation gently yet effectively. I was looking forward to using this product since alpha arbutin is a safe alternative to hydroquinone and my skin loved this serum. I used three to four drops every night, and over time I noticed that my skin looked brighter and my dark spots were fading. The consistency of the serum is slightly thicker than the essence, but did not leave my skin feeling stick or tacky. I will continue to use this nightly since it hydrates well while treating my number one concern.

Naturium BHA 2% Liquid

The Naturium BHA 2% Liquid ($20) came to the rescue for my hormonal breakouts and maskne. It contains encapsulated salicylic acid and fruit acids that unclog pores and smooth skin. I felt a slight tingle on my skin while using a few drops of this at night on my active breakouts. It has the consistency of a thick toner that does not dry out your skin. I even used this on a few areas where I had ingrown hairs and it works beautifully to exfoliate gently.

Naturium Retinol Complex Face Cream

The Naturium Retinol Complex Face Cream ($20) contains a combination of three types of retinols, including encapsulated retinol, a natural bio-retinol, and bakuchiol (a natural alternative). I absolutely loved this moisturizer; it's gentle enough that it can be a staple for everyone. I used two pumps of this every night all over my face and neck after my serums. My skin felt moisturized and looked more even-toned.

No matter what your skin goals are, the Naturium Retinol Complex Face Cream can help you out. It's an investment product that gives you immediate results, while also taking care of any long-term skin concerns. If you are new to retinols, this is a great beginner product.

Naturium Tranexamic Topical Acid 5%

The Naturium Tranexamic Topical Acid 5% ($20) was one of my favorite products to use to target my stubborn hyperpigmentation. It contains a powerful blend of tranexamic acid, kojic acid, niacinamide and licorice that all help to brighten the skin and target dark spots. I applied a few drops of this serum all over my face nightly and it did not cause any excessive dryness or skin flaking. My dark spots and hyperpigmentation got significantly lighter with consistent use. Although it's the most potent product I have tried from the line, overall it's still pretty gentle.

Naturium Alpha Arbutin Essence

Naturium Alpha Arbutin Essence ($16) contains one percent of alpha arbutin and beta-glucan. It feels like a watery, hydrating essence that creates the perfect base for serums and moisturizers. After patting four to five drops of the essence all over my face and neck, my skin instantly felt hydrated and plump. If your skin leans dry or needs an extra boost of nourishment, this essence really helps, but it's not a necessity. It works really well with other brightening products and helps balance out the potent ingredients.

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