Kate Middleton Shares a Heartfelt Message About Children's Mental Health

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At the beginning of the year, Kate Middleton made a visit to a London school to launch a new mental health initiative, and we now have a chance to see the PSA she filmed that day. Speaking on behalf of the charity Place2Be at the beginning of Children's Mental Health Week, Kate urges parents, teachers, and school support staff to encourage and nurture children's emotional growth, describing childhood as "the time when we explore our personalities, discover the potential that lies within us, and learn how we be ourselves."

We rarely get a chance to hear the Duchess of Cambridge speak, but when she does, it's often on behalf the charities she holds dear. This is not the first video she's filmed on behalf of Place2Be, and these Children's Mental Health Week videos are becoming something of a tradition. Clearly this is a cause very close to her heart.