35 Internet Reactions to Adele That Will Have You LOL-ing in the Deep

The past month has yielded so much Adele that the world hasn't quite figured out how to cope. After her first single in years dropped, the Internet was in meltdown mode, celebrities could barely keep it together, and today's huge artists started to pack up and go on "hiatus." Now, we've got more show-stopping performances on the horizon, not to mention the album itself, 25, which hits stores Nov. 20. To help prepare for all the tears, we're bringing the best and most hilarious Adele reactions in recent memory. Keep reading, then load up on hilarious Adele GIFs to help you navigate life's troubled waters.


"When you realize that your single is released the same day as Adele’s single" — Tumblr user likeonedrug

Slice Network

"new adele song drops TOMORROW" — Tumblr user precumming


"How I’m actually responding to Adele’s new album." — Tumblr user gettinglouder


"Adele leaving the Focus funeral to head to Bad Blood funeral" — Tumblr user sereth-wynters


"me after Adele’s new album announcement" — Tumblr user frootera


"THE FIRST 30 SECONDS OF ADELE’S NEW SONG" — Tumblr user fluffyminnieme

Cover Girl

"Taylor Swift: I can’t believe I’m going to have the biggest selling album of 2015 :)"

"Adele: [Rihanna winking GIF]" — Tumblr user spooky-witchbitch

20th Century Studios

"adele finally announcing 25" — Tumblr user jeepardy


"Adele letting Ariana know she releasing her single the same day as her." — Tumblr user friez-over-guyz


"Adele says 25 will be released next month"

"Me: [Nicki Minaj crying GIF]" — Tumblr user urbestenemy


"ADELE’s '25' #im sooooo NOT ready for the slayage #is this real #personal #adele" — Tumblr user adelembe