20 Times Luke Cook Was Devilishly Funny Off the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Set

Luke Cook might be playing The Devil on the CW's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, but his Instagram posts are far from hellish. The Australian actor got his start after landing smaller guest roles on MTV's Faking It and Modern Family, and even a small role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which arguably jump-started his career, landing him the role of Lucifer Morningstar.

His Instagram is loaded with hilarious videos featuring various personas like Louise, who always has a problem ordering Chinese takeout, only further proving he is a true actor with many talents. From creating his own music videos to lightly mocking trends, Luke's Instagram will make you ROFL and possibly pee your pants. Keep reading to see our favorite Luke moments, but if you can't stop laughing uncontrollably, just remember, we warned you!

When He Did His Own Rendition of "Rainy Days and Mondays"

When His Pets Danced to a Viral TikTok Song by Snowfy Maddi

When His Beauty Alter Ego Steve Kay Made an Appearance

His Live Reactions to Riverdale Episode Trailers

His "Faces in Fragrances" Series

His Szechuan Gardens Chinese Restaurant Bit

His 'Tis the Season Video Montage

When He Gave Us an Inside Look Into Flying First Class

When He Gave Tina Turner a Run For Her Money With His Flute Skills

His Photo Album of Big Ear Muff Selfies

When He Led a Morning Yoga Session

When He and Kiernan Shipka Swapped Characters With Hilarious Halloween Costumes

When He Professed His Love For 11:11 O'Clock

His Epic European Summer Vacay Recap

His Cher Singalong Performance

When He Pulled Out His "Louise" Wig For His Costars

Here's Another Look at That Switch, Just Because

When He Made Everyone Take a FIERCE Selfie in Character