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Inspirational Underdog Stories

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Inspirational Underdog Stories

6 Inspiring Underdogs Who Took Over the World

Part of life is overcoming different challenges and learning along the way. That's why we partnered with Eddie the Eagle for this post.

One of the things that helps us make connections with people around the world is learning about those who have overcome amazing obstacles in life. It's motivating and also heartwarming to hear real-life stories about people who have climbed out of challenging situations and fought the odds to end up on top. You may remember some of these successes, and others might be new, but they all push you to achieve everything you're dreaming about.

  1. Eddie Edwards: Eddie Edwards was the first to represent Great Britain in the Olympic ski jumping competition. At that time, he held the British ski jumping record but came in last at the 1988 Olympics for both the 70- and 90-meter events. People around the world rallied behind him and considered him a champion. His story was so touching to so many that it's been turned into a movie, Eddie the Eagle, starring Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman.
  2. Bobby Fischer: At the age of 13, Bobby Fischer was the 11th world chess champion and didn't stop there. He continued playing and winning championships until the age of 20, when he won the 1964 US championship with the only perfect score of the tournament. When he defeated Boris Spassky at the Reykjavik, Iceland, world championships, it was dubbed the "match of the century" and helped turn chess into a popular game in the US.
  3. Erin Brockovich: This strong advocate and former beauty queen took action against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company when allegations of contaminated drinking water in the town of Hinkley, CA, surfaced. Despite her lack of education in law, Brockovich stuck with it until the case was finally settled.

Image Source: Flickr user Eva Rinaldi

  1. The Jamaican Bobsled Team: This team gained attention when they qualified for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Crowdfunding websites raised attention and money, rallying support for the team. Even though they didn't bring home a medal and suffered unfortunate injuries on the team, they were crowd favorites who won everyone's hearts.
  2. Michael Oher: A formerly homeless high school student, Oher overcame crazy odds, and like a true underdog story, he landed a dream position playing for the NFL. After being placed in foster care at the age of 7, Oher was shuffled in and out of homes and had stretches when he lived on the streets. He was eventually adopted by a family who helped him reach his goals and succeed academically, providing an environment that allowed him to be the Baltimore Ravens' first-round draft pick.

Image Source: Flickr user Jeff Weese

  1. Kalpana Saroj: Born into poverty in India and married off at the age of 12, Saroj tragically took poison in order to remove herself from her challenging life. Luckily, she survived and overcame, thanks to her father removing her from the marriage. Saroj moved to a different town where she was able to start a new life and help provide for her family while working 16 hours a day — which is a habit she still maintains today. With the small amount of money she was able to pull together, Saroj slowly began building an empire from the bottom up. She's now a multimillionaire.

More From Eddie the Eagle
See the inspiring true story of the underdog ‪‎Eddie the Eagle‬, starring Hugh Jackman and Taron Egerton. In theaters Feb. 26.

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