Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot Had VERY Different Replies For a Young Fan About Superman

The Justice League might be an international league of heroes who band together to fight evil, but that doesn't mean they can't have differing opinions! For cast members (and parents) Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa, that means a different approach to dealing with kids. During the Comic-Con 2017 Warner Bros. Pictures panel, hosted by famous nerd Chris Hardwick, a young fan approached the microphone to ask one pressing question: will Superman appear in the film?

Jason Momoa, a proud papa of two, took the blunt route with his answer. "Son, I'm not sure if your parents showed you the last movie, but Superman is dead," he explained gruffly, earning a mix of cheers, laughter, and boos for his honest response. "Hey guys, it's just the facts! My kids are here too!" he told the crowd, cracking a smile over the passionate audience feedback.

Gal Gadot, also a parent of two, rushed in with a much different approach, chiding Momoa for being so blunt. "If you're a fan of Superman, you're going to be very, very happy when you watch Justice League," she promised the young fan after the crowd settled.

So there you have it: we'll likely see the return of Superman when the DC Comics film hits theaters on Nov. 17. And while Jason Momoa might have momentarily broken a young Superman fan's heart, he made up for it by spilling a major plot spoiler about his stand-alone Aquaman film. (We'll forgive your bluntness anytime, Jason!)