25 Lighthearted Movies to Watch on Netflix When You're Hungover as Hell

Anyone over the age of 21 has almost surely been there: too many drinks, a splitting headache, and the dire urge to remain horizontal for most of the day. When it comes to nursing a particularly nasty hangover, there's not much to be done. Sure, you can try to get something in your upset stomach and pound water like you're an Olympic athlete, but chances are you're looking for something to distract you from your current state. That's where Netflix comes in. While you could turn to the site's new January additions or their growing list of stellar original series, we have a feeling you'll be looking for something light, cheerful, and easy to digest to help you survive your day.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

With all the shenanigans this band of teens gets into, it's like they're doing everything you're missing out on! You can live vicariously through them!

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The Princess Bride
Everett Collection

The Princess Bride

Think you can watch this without feeling just a little bit better? Inconceivable!

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10 Things I Hate About You
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10 Things I Hate About You

You'll be so busy crying over Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger's beautiful love story, you'll forget how sick you feel.

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Everett Collection


You'll, like, totally feel like a million bucks after watching this one.

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Bridget Jones's Diary
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Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones is a notorious trainwreck, so you'll feel way better about your own state of being once you get to the end.

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While You Were Sleeping
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While You Were Sleeping

Come on, Sandra Bullock is an American treasure. She has cosmic healing powers.

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Everett Collection


Just focus on John Travolta's gyrating hips and you'll feel better in no time.

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Everett Collection


Is there any better way to communicate the depth of your hangover than the iconic Heathers line, "F*ck me gently with a chainsaw"?

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Big Daddy
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Big Daddy

Take solace in the fact that Adam Sandler can take care of a child as well as you take care of your poor, battered body.

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Because Britney Spears is not a girl, not yet a woman . . . much like how you're not a total mess, but not yet a fully functioning human being again.

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The Wiz
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The Wiz

Diana Ross can cure any ailment with her soothing singing voice. Trust us, we're all doctors.

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Tommy Boy
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Tommy Boy

If there's only one person on earth who could cheer you up no matter what, it would have to be Chris Farley.

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How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Everett Collection

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

More like how to lose the urge to vomit in 10 minutes because of Matthew McConaughey's beautiful abs, am I right?

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Under the Tuscan Sun
Everett Collection

Under the Tuscan Sun

I mean, it's Diane Lane flouncing around Italy and falling in love — what more could you possibly want?

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The Parent Trap
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The Parent Trap

This may not be the beloved Lindsay Lohan version, but the original with Hayley Mills has plenty of magic in it.

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Working Girl
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Working Girl

This kind of "take no prisoners" attitude is exactly what you'll need as your body attempts to chain you to the floor for most of the morning.

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Moonrise Kingdom
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Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson's signature quirk and charm will wash away any sense of impending doom.

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Picture Perfect
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Picture Perfect

Behold: Jennifer Aniston at her rom-com best.

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Leap Year
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Leap Year

Allow Amy Adams to take you to Ireland, where hangovers are 10 times as common and you'll feel like everyone gets you.

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High School Musical
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High School Musical

Talk about "Breaking Free" . . . from the poor decisions you made mere hours before.

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The Prince & Me
Everett Collection

The Prince & Me

This may be the third Julia Stiles movie on the list, but we can't help it that she's popular.

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Heavy Weights

Heavy Weights

I mean, Ben Stiller's haircut alone makes this worth the watch.

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