Mr. Robot: What You Need to Remember About Sharon Knowles

If you were paying close attention during this week's season premiere of Mr. Robot, you might have heard the casual drop of the name Sharon Knowles on the news broadcast playing in the background throughout the first half of the episode. If you found yourself wracking your brain trying to remember who she was and what the name drop might signify, fear not! We were wracking our brains too, and we've put together a quick rundown of what you need to know about her potential impact on season two.

How She Comes Into Season 1

After Terry Colby is implicated in the attack on Evil Corp, Tyrell Wellick really thinks he's going to get his job as CTO at Evil Corp. But he is passed over in favor of Scott Knowles, who happens to be married to a lovely woman named Sharon.

How She Becomes a Major Plot Line

We all know that Tyrell is constantly working on a master plan with his wife, and it quickly becomes clear that his way to the CTO job would be through seducing Sharon and somehow using that to take Scott down. It isn't that simple, though. They spend episode after episode dancing around each other — how can anyone forget that insane bathroom scene?! — until one fateful moment on a roof changes everything.

USA Network

What Happens on the Roof

Tyrell succeeds in seducing Sharon, but things don't go quite as we expected them to. Midway through their rooftop sexytime, he strangles her to death and leaves in a panic. That's when Tyrell's facade starts to crumble.

Oh Man, I Forgot About That — What Now?

Expect her death and the subsequent fallout to be a huge reason for why Tyrell is missing. We don't know what the authorities know nor do we know what he's hiding from, so it's VERY likely we're going to be hearing a lot more about her in the next few episodes!