12 Movies Game of Thrones Fans Will Love

With Game of Thrones season seven well under way, it won't be long before the long Winter without new episodes is upon us once again. Before HBO banishes us from Westeros for another year, we need to prepare by doing the only thing that makes sense: stocking up on recommendations for movies that will fill the Game of Thrones-shaped hole in our hearts. Let's be real, nothing else is truly as awesome as watching the Starks and Lannisters clash every Sunday night, but the movies on this list come close. There's a little bit of fantasy, a heavy dose of history, and a few movies that would get the Tyrion Lannister stamp of approval because even though Game of Thrones is dark, even the people of Westeros still make time to crack wise on occasion. Here are 12 movies that Game of Thrones fans will love.

Excalibur (1981)

Excalibur (1981)

The Arthurian legend is ripe with prophecies, forbidden romances, and jaw-dropping battles. Excalibur happens to be one of the best takes on the tale of Arthur, Merlin, and Morgana. (It helps that the cast includes the great Helen Mirren and a young Liam Neeson.)

Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
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Pan's Labyrinth (2006)

It's hard not to think about Arya, Sansa, or Shireen while watching Pan's Labyrinth. The film's young hero is a fierce little girl who is caught up in a fairy-tale nightmare. Game of Thrones fans will embrace the way the story finds hope even in the bleakest of times just as much as its haunting imagery.

Macbeth (2015)
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Macbeth (2015)

Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard breathe new life into Shakespeare's tale of war and betrayal. This movie is perfect for anyone who can't get enough of characters like Cersei or Melisandre, because before their bloody schemes, Lady Macbeth was already the master of making bad look good.

Tristan & Isolde (2006)
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Tristan & Isolde (2006)

Are you obsessed with Rhaegar and Lyanna's heartbreaking story? This is basically the movie version of their affair and the far reach one great love story can have on everything around it.

The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
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The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

Revenge is a recurring theme in Game of Thrones, and few literary characters have ever been quite as determined to make those who hurt them pay as Edmond Dantès. Thanks to the added battle scenes, this version of the classic is full of excitement, but it's the complicated relationships between the characters that will make you think of Westeros.

Stardust (2007)
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Stardust (2007)

If you're looking for a story that has one foot in reality and the other in the realm of magic, Stardust is for you. This whimsical fantasy has pirates, witches, and a fallen star that is secretly human. But it also has brothers competing for a throne, deadly alliances, and a flawed hero who is every bit as naive as Jon Snow is when he first goes off to the Wall.

Black Death (2010)
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Black Death (2010)

This movie stars Sean Bean and Carice van Houten, and it has a medieval setting with a side of magic. What more could a Game of Thrones fan ask for?

Gladiator (2000)
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Gladiator (2000)

If Ser Jorah's stint as a champion in the fighting pits of Meereen made you long for more gladiator goodness, then you have to turn to this Russell Crowe epic. This is one best picture winner that will always hold up.

Dragonslayer (1981)
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Dragonslayer (1981)

George R.R. Martin himself endorses this fantasy film. The underrated Disney movie features dragons, quests, and a gender-bending young woman who is so like Arya Stark it will make you love her instantly.

A Knight's Tale (2001)
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A Knight's Tale (2001)

Yes, it's way lighter than Game of Thrones, but this Heath Ledger film would definitely be a favorite of Tyrion and Bronn's. It has all of the elements of a typical medieval story with modern music and way more humor. There's nothing not to love about this gem.

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)
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The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)

King's Landing's intrigue has nothing on the plots that went down in King Henry VIII's court. The movie is far from historically accurate, but thanks to its complex women, intricate schemes, and sexy love affairs, it gets a pass. Also, it stars Benedict Cumberbatch, which is always a plus.

Troy (2004)
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Troy (2004)

Much like Lyanna Stark, Helen of Troy sparked a massive war that led to the entire power system of a kingdom being disrupted. Troy follows the Trojan War largely through the eyes of Brad Pitt in his prime. And having a surprise Sean Bean on hand will make it even easier for you to pretend you're watching Robert's Rebellion unfold on your laptop.