17 of the Biggest Pop Culture Ships of All Time

Sometimes in television and movies, love is right in front of us and guaranteed to happen in due time. Perfect example: Hermione and Ron in Harry Potter. Other times, we might never actually see a relationship develop on screen, but that doesn't mean the connection and love aren't there! In fact, there are so many people who will always be rooting for Harry and Hermione, or Harry and Draco, for that matter.

In fact, "shipping" best friends and total love interests is at least half of the reason we watch and rewatch our favorite flicks and television shows. Some pairs are more obvious, whereas others might not have even crossed your mind until now, but once you see the signs, it makes a lot of sense.

Check out some of the top ships among different fandoms, some that happened later on and some that sadly never will. These are by no means all the big ships out there — it's a deep, deep rabbit hole — but these pairs have some of the most dedicated fans out there!

Castiel and Dean Winchester, Supernatural
The CW

Castiel and Dean Winchester, Supernatural

Destiel is one of the most popular ships online, period. Like, people live, eat, and breathe because of the mere thought of these two being together and falling in love. And, to an extent, it does make sense. Their connection is evident, and together, they make the ultimate team. But at the same time, they could just be best buds, not baes. Will we ever actually see it happen on Supernatural? Probably not, but the fandom can always dream!

Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth, Game of Thrones

Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth, Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is chock-full of dragons, shining amour, swinging swords, and . . . loads of sexual tension. Some would argue that when it comes to Jamie Lannister and Brienne of Tarth, there abso-frickin'-lutely is sexual tension. For years, fans have lamented that these enemies-gone-besties have everything it takes for a power couple, and that hype hasn't died down! Even the other characters on the show (cough, Cersei, cough) have caught on.

Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper, Riverdale
The CW

Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper, Riverdale

Before Riverdale even aired, the romantic pairing of besties Betty and Veronica, also known as Beronica, was a definite thing. They even kiss in one of the trailers, but as the fandom would later learn, it isn't what we thought it would be. Originally competing over main man and series star Archie, the girls bond over hating someone else (ah, teenage angst) and form a solid friendship. Between their sweet and sincere moments, their intense connection beats out that of any other pair on the show.

Harry Potter and Hermione Granger
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Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

From day one, Muggles, witches, and wizards around the world have shipped the main man and leading lady, aka Harry and Hermione. Their names might sound cute together, and their personalities, determination, and balance of being a go-getter and a bookworm make this a fan-favorite couple that never happened. But, as good it might have been, I think we can all agree that Ron and Hermione were meant to be and are the actual most adorable couple ever.

Nicky Nichols and Lorna Morello, Orange Is the New Black

Nicky Nichols and Lorna Morello, Orange Is the New Black

We see these two together a lot on Orange Is the New Black, in both the intimate sense and just as friends. Though they never stay together long, we all know that there has always been more there. Lorna always has a lot going on in the depths of her mind, and Nicky has a problem that she can never really shake, but together this dynamic duo is imperfectly perfect. Nicky realizes that she loves her best friend with benefits in the last season, which, I mean, any of us could have told you by the second or third season, max.

Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

We didn't watch 30 Rock for meaningful, serious relationships, which is good, because that isn't what we got. In fact, when it comes to the sensible, laughable Liz Lemon and her boss, Jack Donaghy, we never got much of a relationship at all. These two couldn't be less alike if they tried, but they did always give a good chuckle. Remember when he comforts her with a broom as she pukes? Cute! That's the peak of their physical affection, (un)fortunately.

Phoebe Buffet and Joey Tribianni, Friends
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Phoebe Buffet and Joey Tribianni, Friends

Don't get us wrong, Friends is first and foremost about a group of friends getting through life together. But anyone who has ever seen the beloved sitcom is well-aware that relationships run far deeper than being best friends. Ross and Rachel happen, and Chandler and Monica happen, leaving Joey and Phoebe as the only two to not couple up. (Don't get us started on Joey and Rachel.) This ship is quite a divisive one, because while some fans think this couple had enough weirdness, humor, and quirk to balance each other out, others think that it would have been weird and the relationship would never have worked.

Emma Swan and Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time

Emma Swan and Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time

We've seen Emma Swan with Baelfire, Captain Hook, and even an evil flying monkey, but what about Regina? Some see these ladies as nothing more than coparents and good friends, but others see a lot of potential if a relationship were to ever unfold. Not saying that this one couldn't have happened and worked out in the past, but with the show coming to an end in the upcoming season, I doubt we'll be seeing Swan Queen as a couple on Once Upon a Time. Plus, Emma and Hook are married and in a strong, committed relationship that has been to the Underworld and back. There is no going back from that!

Jacob Black and Bella Swan, the Twilight Movies
Summit Entertainment

Jacob Black and Bella Swan, the Twilight Movies

Back when Twilight debuted in theaters, we were all aggressively Team Jacob or Team Edward. There were posters, t-shirts, the works. Odds are, one of them was the background of your flip phone. Of course, we all know that she ends up with Edward — but from his first scene in the first film, fans totally shipped Jacob with Bella. We could all see that he cares about her and wants the best for her, even when she doesn't exactly reciprocate it. He winds up imprinting on her daughter Renesmee, so there's that.

Alison DiLaurentis and Emily Fields, Pretty Little Liars

Alison DiLaurentis and Emily Fields, Pretty Little Liars

Emily Fields and Alison DiLaurentis were always top-notch liars, especially when it comes to hiding their feelings for one another. Despite having undeniably strong feelings for one another from sophomore year of high school, maybe even longer, a relationship isn't even in the picture for the longest time.

Nothing quite compares to what these girls share, not to mention what both of them have been through. Eventually, in the seventh season of Pretty Little Liars, this ship came true, and later on, the fandom would find them engaged, and in the future married with twin daughters. Worth the wait, TBH.

Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

Everyone who watches Parks and Recreation is familiar with the two lovable, comedic main characters: Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson. Together, this team rules the local government, despite being polar opposites. Swanson isn't exactly a big fan of the government, doing everything he can to take it down once and for all, while Knope does everything she can to make it bigger and better.

Despite their differences, these pals are the best of friends, but of course some of the (gigantic) fandom thinks that they could have been a lot more than that — speaking premarriage, of course.

Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter
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Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter

Classic tale with a small twist, isn't it? Bad boy who doesn't behave by the rules is totally in love with the star pupil and center of attention, but will never admit it? Some argue that this was the underlying relationship between these boys, who are constantly battling and bickering.

This is another one of the top ships in the Wizarding world, and for good reason. You can rewatch certain scenes and spot the tension between these two from a mile away, and I mean, from the beginning, doesn't it seem like Draco is kind of, well, obsessed with Harry?

Severus Snape and Lily Potter
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Severus Snape and Lily Potter

Shipping doesn't have to exclude adults and parents, especially when it comes to the classic pairing of Severus Snape and Lily Potter. Snape never stops caring for the ill-fated Lily, and that alone fuels the fire in this ship. Controversial? Yes, of course — his love has been dubbed as an obsession by some fans, but others can't cherish the couple that will never be.

Of course, most witches and wizards won't ever forget these words: "After all this time?" "Always."

Callie Dunne and Mary Agnes, Godless

Callie Dunne and Mary Agnes, Godless

In a town without men, almost all ladies go without relationships in Godless — except for Mary Agnes and Callie Dunn. Taking a more masculine role since the town's men leave, Mary Agnes transforms before everyone's eyes. She becomes a symbol of safety for the beautiful Callie. Basically anyone who watched this pro-women Western series shipped these two, because no matter what happened and what brand of chaos was terrorizing the town, they stick together for better or for worse.

Penny and Leonard Hofstadter

Penny and Leonard Hofstadter

On one hand, these two were destined to be from the first few episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Yet Penny and Leonard are from two totally different worlds, and this was a ship that most never actually expected to happen. The scientist and the aspiring actress/waitress? Who would have thought! Somehow, their having so little in common doesn't matter, and their relationship (and now marriage!) is full of love, laughter, and enough happiness to make us all ugly-cry. And we have.

Poussey Washington and Tasha “Taystee” Jefferson
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Poussey Washington and Tasha “Taystee” Jefferson

Perhaps one of the biggest ships in Orange Is the New Black for several seasons is that between two ride-or-die, loving best friends, Poussey and Taystee. We couldn't help but revel in their hilarious nature and abundance of inside jokes, making their constant cuddles and one-time smooch signs of hope for ~something~ to develop. But as we heard straight from Taystee, she doesn't swing that way, and what her and Poussey had was a special, one-of-a-kind friendship, and nothing more. We still miss you, Poussey.

Emma Swan and Graham Humbert

Emma Swan and Graham Humbert

Right in the beginning of Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan becomes the right-hand woman for Sheriff Graham. The two of them not only make one hell of a crime-fighting, villain-battling team, but there's a little something-something we all hoped would become something later on. Unfortunately, we had to add this one to the long list of potential pairings that never happened because Graham passes toward the end of season one.