Who's Behind the Threatening Notes in 13 Reasons Why's Season 2 Trailer? Let's Investigate


After what's felt like an eternity of waiting, Netflix has finally bestowed upon us all the premiere date for 13 Reasons Why season two: May 18. While that's only a few weeks away, the official trailer for the second season is packed with ominous clues that have us even more anxious for the 13 new episodes to arrive. It looks like someone is sending threatening notes to some of the key people involved with the tragic suicide of Hannah Baker — Jessica, Mr. Porter, Clay, and even Hannah's mother, Olivia. What's interesting is that Bryce, Hannah's rapist, is also featured in the trailer, but it doesn't look like he's received any notes himself. Coincidence or something more?

Since this is 13 Reasons Why, which is filled with just as much drama as it is heartbreak, we're betting on the latter. Season two will focus on the court case that plays out between Hannah's parents and the school, after all, so it's safe to assume that plenty of dark secrets will be dragged out into the light for the entire town to see (including Bryce's, fingers crossed). Since we all have some time to kill between now and season two, join us ahead as we dissect the chilling threats each of the characters receive in the trailer and who they might be from.

"Know Your Place"

Liberty High guidance counselor Mr. Porter is on the receiving end of some serious threats in the trailer, which tell him to "know his place." The photos floating through the air also seem to show that the windows have been smashed in his office, with the threatening note being sprayed over a bulletin board of flyers. As a refresher, Mr. Porter is on Hannah's final tape because of his inability to give her the help or attention that she so desperately needs when she goes to him for a counseling session after being raped by Bryce. She records their entire session, which includes the shameful moment when Mr. Porter tells her she needs to just "move on" from being sexually assaulted.

As for what "know your place" means specifically, we have to assume that Mr. Porter becomes integral to the court case. Given how the school could be on the hook for the blame against Hannah — for creating/allowing Hannah to continue being exposed to an unsafe environment — it sounds like the threat is coming from someone above him.


Jessica is one of the more tragic stories in the first season. She and Hannah become fast friends until Jessica and another friend, Alex, start to date behind Hannah's back. A list ranking the body parts of girls in school, written by Alex, eventually drives them apart for good. That's not all that's on the tapes, however — it's also revealed that Hannah knows Jessica's current boyfriend, Justin, let Jessica get raped by his best friend, Bryce, when she was wasted at a party.

After the tapes come to light, Jessica begins to go on a pretty steep downward spiral and eventually breaks up with Justin. The season two trailer hints that although she might have fixed things on the outside — perhaps with a trip to Oakland, judging from that postcard on her desk? — that she's still experiencing inner turmoil. The fact someone spray painted the word "liar" on her window might have something to do with it.

"Keep Your F*cking Mouth Shut"

The trailer also includes another message sent to Jessica, which reads "keep your f*cking mouth shut." Since she's intimately acquainted with Bryce's behavior, could his wealthy family be bankrolling whoever is writing these notes?

"Go Away!"

Hannah's mother, Olivia Baker, appears to be taking on the role of detective in the trailer judging by her bulletin board full of information about the people involved in her daughter's suicide. That being said, it doesn't look like even a grieving mother can escape the threats — the house she and her husband have put on the market is being vandalized with notes like, "Go away!" "Get out," and "Bye-Bye." Something tells us it's going to take a lot more than a few spray-painted signs to stop Olivia from seeking the truth.

"You Talk, You Pay"

Hannah's one-time love, Clay Jensen, appears in the trailer in a dark suit, which he puts on as he prepares to go to court (a court summons can be seen on his bedspread in one shot). As for the threat given to him? "You talk, you pay." Clay is more involved with Hannah's tapes than anyone besides Tony, so it makes total sense that whoever is trying to shut this case down would go after him with a vengeance. And as a reminder, his situation is even more complicated due to the fact his very own mother is the lawyer representing the school.

"The Tapes Were Just the Beginning"

To be totally honest, this part of the trailer is likely the tagline of season two as opposed to another threatening note (Clay picks this Polaroid up off his bedroom floor). Still, it's worth including on the off-chance that the person behind these threats is cluing us in to next season's overall theme — Hannah's tapes might have been the basis of season one, but there's a whole lot more story to tell.

Watch the trailer for yourself to see if you can spot any other lingering season two clues.

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