11 WandaVision Fan Theories That Could Change the Course of the MCU


A few episodes into Marvel's WandaVision and it might seem like the series is meant to do nothing but confuse viewers. Every episode brings more questions than answers, but in true Marvel fashion, they also feature a bevy of possible clues. Is there more than meets the eye behind the town of WestView? Most definitely! Is Vision's miraculous resurrection a sign of concern? Absolutely. And should we be worried about Agnes's mysterious husband, Ralph? You'd be oblivious if you weren't!

While we won't have any real answers until the final episode airs in March (maybe not even then), that hasn't stopped us from coming up with as many incredible ideas about our favorite characters — alive, just born, or dead — as possible. There's alternate worlds! Heartbreak and trauma! Possible cameos from past favorites! Maybe even the birth of all mutant-kind! Sound like something you'd be into? Read on for some of the amazing predictions on where WandaVision could be taking us over the next few episodes.


Wanda Created an Alternate Universe

The most popular theory floating around stems from one of the comic book stories that WandaVision was inspired by, House of M. After suffering from a mental breakdown because of the death of her children, Wanda alters the fabric of reality to create a world where her family rules over mutant-kind. This reality, Earth-58163, is known as an alternate version of Marvel's base reality and is later replaced by Earth-616 as the main reality. To suit the circumstances of WandaVision, where mutants don't exist, fans believe that Wanda has created a pocket universe where Vision is still alive, and they're able to live out their perfect life.

There are also plenty of moments that support the theory, including Wanda's ability to "rewind" time when she desires. Everyone in the town keeps up the facade of happy-go-lucky neighbors around Wanda as if they know their fates are in her hands and they must keep her happy. During the near-fatal dinner with Mrs. and Mr. Hart, it's only after Wanda permits him that Vision moves to save the life of the choking Mr. Hart. And of course, there's the fact that Wanda was able to throw Geraldine out of WestView in the third episode. Everything seems to suggest that Wanda is controlling what's going on behind the scenes of WestView. There are moments where she seems to be the most aware that there's a world beyond the town.

The only thing marring this theory is that Wanda doesn't have the power to warp reality. There's no denying that she's powerful, but Wanda's abilities in the MCU are not the same as her powers in the comics. Since her introduction, Wanda has used telekinesis, telepathy, and energy manipulation, like the creation of force fields and bolts of energy. She doesn't have the chaos magic that the Scarlet Witch does, which allows her to reshape reality however she wishes, including warping it and manipulating existence itself. Maybe that happened in a time jump that we'll discover at a later point, but otherwise, it's hard to understand where Wanda would have gotten the power to create her little pocket reality.


Monica Rambeau Will Gain Her Powers and Become Photon (Or Spectrum)

This is one of the theories most likely to come true! Monica Rambeau makes her debut in WandaVision under the guise of being a WestView resident named Geraldine. She becomes fast friends with Wanda until she's unceremoniously kicked out of the town when Wanda discovers there's more to her than meets the eye. When she lands, she's radiating the red residue from Wanda's magic and she's quickly surrounded by fellow S.W.O.R.D. agents. Fans already know that Monica first appeared as the young daughter of Maria Rambeau, best friend of Carol Danvers, in Captain Marvel. And, should our theory come true, she'll soon be fulfilling her comic book destiny to become a superhero.

Monica was the first woman to hold the Captain Marvel mantle in the comics, but since the title is currently occupied by her pseudo aunt, it's unlikely she'll take it up. It's more likely that her adventures in WandaVision will lead to her gaining her ability to convert her body to energy and take on one of her other aliases, Photon or Spectrum. (Maria's pilot nickname in Captain Marvel is Photon, so we're going to go with that for the mother-daughter feels!) That would be the perfect segue to her part in the upcoming Captain Marvel sequel, after which she could take on her comic book role as the new leader of the Avengers.


Agnes Will Be Revealed as Agatha Harkness

Kathryn Hahn's Agnes has been the talk of the fandom since her appearance in the trailer, and it hasn't died down yet! She's been playing the role of nosy neighbor as Wanda and Vision travel through eras, but several clues hint at her real identity: Agatha Harkness, witch extraordinaire. In the Marvel comics, Agatha is a witch who survives the Salem witch trials and mentors Wanda in using her magical powers. Although Agatha is best known as an ally to Wanda and the Avengers as a whole, she eventually meets her devastating end when she's killed by Wanda after the younger witch loses some of her memories and sanity.

In WandaVision, Agnes quickly inserted herself by Wanda's side, setting herself as a close friend and helper like her role in the comics. Much like her character, she sports a noticeable brooch and seems to know more than she lets on. The most damning hint to Agnes's real identity comes in a preview of the upcoming Halloween episode. As we saw in the previews, everyone seems to dress as who they truly are. Wanda wears her classic Scarlet Witch costume, Vision forgoes his human glamor, and Agnes sports a witch costume.

If Agnes does reveal herself to be Agatha Harkness, the real question is will she be friend or foe?


Wanda and Vision's Sons Will Grow Up to Form Young Avengers

While the birth of Wanda and Vision's twins seems to be a path to devastation, there's a spotlight on the horizon! Like in the comics, Billy and Tommy come into the world thanks to magic, though WandaVision hasn't explained what magic as of yet. But in the comics, it's the very same magic that leads to the babies' untimely deaths: their souls are reabsorbed into the demon Mephisto. In a cruel, but a fair twist of fate, they destroy him and their souls are reincarnated as Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd.

Our theory for WandaVision is that when the couple learns that their "reality" isn't real and their children are figments of Wanda's power. The true mastermind (most likely Mephisto) will reveal that they wanted that power, and much like the comics, they'll attempt to absorb the "babies" but be destroyed by Wanda. Billy and Tommy will return (because of magic and reality-warping) and ultimately become the superheroes Wiccan and Speed. This will lead to the eventual formation of the Young Avengers (comprised of mutants from different multiverses) with Stature, Hawkeye, Miss America, Hulkling, and Iron Lad, all of whom have been announced or alluded to in other projects.


The WestView Residents are All Trapped Magical Beings

We know the residents of WestView are real since we've discovered that the town itself is a real location that S.W.O.R.D. has been watching. An obscene amount of Easter eggs suggest that several residents could be Marvel heroes and villains, and if they are, we have to wonder how they also wound up in WestView! There's a storyline in the comics where, after the Salem Witch Trials, Agatha Harkness and her coven shields themselves from mortals and call their community New Salem. I theorize that WestView used to be a haven for witches, and while Wanda was searching for a place to call home for some solace, she stumbled across the community before things went topsy turvy!

Whoever it is that's controlling Wanda could have trapped all the witches in what used to be their home and is using them as pawns while they sit back and watch. It could explain how all these potentially powerful people came to live be in the same prison. And we've seen that some people are seemingly aware that there is a world beyond their sitcom reality, which lends to the idea that they remember a time before Wanda and Vision lived among them. It would also explain why Agnes asks Vision if he and Wanda are there to save them in footage from the trailers.


Aaron Taylor-Johnson Will Return as Pietro

Although Pietro died a devastating death in Avengers: Age of Ultron, it stands to reason that there's hope he'll make a comeback in WandaVision. As we saw in the third episode, his death still weighs on her. Actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson has said before that he wouldn't mind returning to the MCU, "if there's an interesting story, and an interesting character journey in that world." Safe to say, any return in this series would be interesting! So the question is, would Pietro appear as a memory or as back from the dead like Vision?

It would be fruitful to flesh out Wanda's backstory if fans get to see more of her past with Pietro and their family in Sokovia. But admittedly, it would also be amazing if her powers brought her brother back from the dead like she does in the comics.


Evan Peters Will Play an Adult Speed

Actor Evan Peters has been rumored to make an appearance on the show, and most people are speculating that his cameo will serve as the tie between Marvel and X-Men. But there is one theory to consider: Peters might be playing the adult version of Tommy, aka Speed. If the twins grow up as quickly as they grew in the womb, it could be safe to assume they'd be adults by the end of the series. This makes it easier for them to transition into superheroes in time for future MCU projects (however they get there). If this theory proves true, and Peters joins the Marvel family as Speed, the only question we have to ask is who will be Billy?


Dr. Strange Will Make an Appearance

This is less of a theory and more of an expectation since WandaVision directly ties to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.


Vision Is Being Repaired In the Real World

There's something to be said that Vision's presence may be more than just him being a figment of Wanda's imagination. What if this is all happening in Vision's head and Wanda is there trying to keep it all together? It would explain why Vision seems to be gaining more awareness as time goes on as if on the outside he's learning more and becoming more of himself. The only damper on this theory is that this is about Wanda's journey, not Vision's.


Mephisto Is Controlling Wanda's New Reality

When it comes to who is behind all the insanity of WandaVision, the main suspect is Mephisto. The demon, who is known to go by Lucifer and the Devil, has a long history of doing wicked deeds in Marvel history and is the biggest bad (aside from Magento) in Wanda's past. His role in the death of Wanda's children is the main reason why he's suspected to be the one pulling her strings in WandaVision, and the numerous clues to his presence seem to support the idea. One big hint: the color red. Devil red is a prevalent pop of color throughout the series, and while you could argue it's to represent Scarlet Witch and Vision, it seems more like it's Mephisto letting everyone know he's in every scene. If it is the big red demon behind everything, the show would definitely be setting up his role as Marvel's next big bad.


Agnes's Mysterious Husband Ralph Is Really Mephisto

Jumping off the previous theory, the biggest clues to Mephisto's presence in WandaVision all have one person in common: Agnes. Big Red has a penchant for shapeshifting into animals, and who is always on hand-delivering animals to Wanda or Vision? Agnes herself! First, there was the lobster and then the rabbit, though the stork in episode three had nothing to do with her. (Although she was outside the house when it was there as well.) Speaking of the stubborn stork, when Wanda attempted to spell it away, the only thing that appeared was a thick red fog. Considering Wanda's magic couldn't work on it, it seems likely that it was Mephisto keeping an eye on his creations (the children) rather than Wanda's magic gone awry. A popular theory is that Mephisto is actually Agnes's absent husband Ralph. There's no explanation for why the witch would be working with the wicked villain, but it's safe to guess that it isn't necessarily willingly. Maybe Agnes struck a deal to keep her haven of witches safe?

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