Meet the Artist Behind the Glam! Every "Drag Race" Season 14 Queen Out of Drag


Season 14 of "RuPaul's Drag Race," the flagship drag-competition series that gave birth to a worldwide empire, is in full swing! Yes, several queens have already departed, but many groundbreaking contestants have already made "Drag Race" history. Over the years, trans contestants such as Peppermint, Meannie Minaj, Kandy Zyanide, Angele Anang, and Vanessa Van Cartier have stomped the "Drag Race" runway; season 14 however, contains significantly more trans representation, with competitors like Kerri Colby, Kornbread "The Snack" Jetรฉ, Jasmine Kennedie, Bosco, and Willow Pill making their mark.

While the show gives us insight into the queens via groundbreaking moments like Kennedie coming out as trans and Colby's tough upbringing, there's only so much viewers get to see. As with any new season of "Drag Race," fans are eager to know the people behind the glam. Read ahead if you're interested in learning more about each competitor and what they look like out of drag.

June Jambalaya Out of Drag

June Jambalaya credits an old dance teacher for coming up with her drag name. In her "Meet the Queens" interview, Jambalaya said that her teacher asked for her birthday and the last thing she ate, then mashed 'em together. Thus, June Jambalaya was born.

Alyssa Hunter Out of Drag

During a recent episode of "Whatcha Packin'," host Michelle Visage asked Puerto Rican queen Alyssa Hunter about the drag scene in PR. When Visage asked if drag changes regionally throughout the island, Hunter replied, "It's a small community, so we all share the same outfits and the same looks. So, I think it's the same community."

Kornbread "The Snack" Jetรฉ Out of Drag

One of multiple trans contestants to participate in season 14 of "Drag Race," Kornbread "The Snack" Jetรฉ is a Los Angeles queen overflowing with humor, glamour, and attitude. During her "Meet the Queens" interview, she credited the LA drag scene for her success and talked about her makeup style. "I like to paint pretty because, you know, I can't be painting all campy. You get beauty, but a voice like Morgan Freeman," she joked.

Orion Story Out of Drag

Orion Story left her mark on the main stage by being the first queen from Michigan to compete on the show. During her "Meet the Queens" interview, Story elaborated on her drag name. "My mom's maiden name is 'Story'," she said. "My drag is a tribute to my mom, so I knew I wanted to incorporate 'Story' in my name."

Maddy Morphosis Out of Drag

Maddy Morphosis made "Drag Race" herstory by being the first straight-male contestant to ever set foot on the main stage. While there's been some negative backlash, she said she likes to focus on the overwhelming positivity she's received since being on the show. In an interview with Billboard, Morphosis discussed how welcoming the queer community has been since he embarked on his drag journey.

"I think a lot of people in the queer community get what it feels like to be discriminated against and to feel othered," he said. "Most people in the queer community do not want that for other people, so it was never a part of my experience."

Kerri Colby Out of Drag

Throughout season 14, Kerri Colby consistently discussed trans rights both on and off the runway. Fellow contestant Jasmine Kennedie โ€” who actually came out on the show โ€” even said that seeing Colby being so unabashedly herself helped her find the courage to come out, per Nylon.

During her "Meet the Queens" interview, Colby elaborated on her drag inspiration and personality. "I love high fashion, high art, just high-conceptual perfection," she said. "I'm eloquent, I'm articulate, and I have a really big heart. I actually care so much more about others than I tend to care about myself."

Jasmine Kennedie Out of Drag

Coming out as trans was a huge deal for Jasmine Kennedie, and she further elaborated on the moment in an Instagram post. "At a certain point in my drag career I was realizing that I was doing drag to fill the void in my own life," she wrote. "I was using it to get closer to who I really am."

Kennedie also discussed her transition and how she now feels comfortable with herself. "I am now at a place in my life where I feel confident enough to finally start living my truth and stop worry[ing] about what others think," she wrote. "I started my HRT a couple months after coming back from Drag Race and I couldn't be more happier."

Lady Camden Out of Drag

Originally from Camden Town, North London (the inspiration for her drag name), Lady Camden is based in San Francisco, where she started her drag career. During an interview with Datebook, she discussed whether or not she felt like she needed to represent San Francisco on "Drag Race."

"I think that what makes a San Francisco queen is the fact that you're kind of different," Lady Camden said. "I couldn't possibly represent an entire genre of San Francisco drag. I'm sort of like an oddball, and I think that San Francisco is full of oddballs."

Willow Pill Out of Drag

After discussing her own gender identity during an episode of "Untucked," Willow Pill elaborated on Twitter. "I'm still not sure where I fit on the Spectrum, for now, I just say trans femme, but I also don't have to know now," they wrote.

Pill also discussed her pronouns and current journey. "I go by Willow in and out of drag with they/she pronouns, though I know this experience isn't linear," she wrote. "I'm starting to finally feel bits of happiness with my face and body, and that's a start."

Jorgeous Out of Drag

During her "Meet the Queens" interview, Jorgeous cited "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar," as her inspiration for starting drag. "Chi-Chi Rodriguez was my main inspiration, 'cause I felt like I related to her the most," she said. "Ever since I was 5 years old, this is exactly what I've been wanting to do."

Bosco Out of Drag

In an Instagram post, Bosco came out as trans and discussed her transition journey, sharing what the entire process โ€” from HTF to surgery โ€” has been like. "This is something that's been on my mind for over a decade now," she said. "I've spent my adult life working in the food industry and have never felt financially secure enough to start this process."

DeJa Skye Out of Drag

In an interview with Drag Adventures, DeJa Skye noted that "Drag Race" was actually her first exposure to drag. "I saw season 1-2 of 'RuPaul's Drag Race' initially. It intrigued me, then seeing the local queens, I thought, 'If they could do it, I could do it!'" she said.

Skye also talked about how she was able to easily break into drag scene. "I knew the right people, I guess, plus I had the fire to perform," she said. "I may have been a sweaty mess, but I got booked pretty quickly."

Angeria Paris VanMicheals Out of Drag

Angeria Paris VanMicheals has charmed viewers with her incredible runway looks and magnetic personality. During an interview with GLAAD, she discussed how "Drag Race" alum Shangela inspired her. "She had a personality out of this world and wasn't afraid to show it, and honestly, that was around the time I was starting to want to get into drag," VanMicheals said. "So, I patterned a lot of myself entertainment-wise and everything off of her. She's the reason I taught myself to death drop in my living room."

Daya Betty Out of Drag

Daya Betty โ€” whose name was inspired by her type 1 diabetes โ€” embraces every part of herself in and out of drag. In an interview with diaTribe, she shared that while learning to manage her diabetes after being diagnosed at 15 was a struggle, it ended up shaping her drag later on in life.

"Not that I ever resented having diabetes, but it was one of those things that was a negative for me for a long time," Betty said. "I am going to use this part of myself that I don't really like all that much, and make it my superhero name. I wanted to make [diabetes] the coolest thing about me."