Get to Know the Basics About Chase From The Bachelorette

There were no extravagant costumes or over-the-top entries for Chase Vergason when he introduced himself to Becca Kufrin on The Bachelor's After the Final Rose. Instead, he opened with a compliment and was basically a giddy schoolboy as he introduced himself to The Bachelorette. But really, could you blame him? Let's get to know the guy behind the sweet smile.

  1. He's a Florida boy. He works in Winter Park, which is only 20 minutes from Walt Disney World!
  2. He played baseball at the University of South Carolina-Columbia. In Chase's two seasons as a Gamecock, he started 103 games. Before that, he spent two years at Brevard Community College.
  3. He works at an advertising/digital marketing agency. And it appears to be a family business! "Vergason Sojourner & Waters (VSM) is the one of the oldest privately owned advertising and marketing firms in the southeast," according to its website.
  4. He has a younger brother named Chad. He graduated from the University of Central Florida and was part of the Kappa Sigma fraternity.