10 Perks of Sending Your Kids to Public School

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Whenever the public versus private school debate comes up, I have to admit that I have some skin in the game. Raised by public school teachers and a former teacher myself, I've seen first-hand as a student and an educator how great public schools can be. While private schools are awesome, I don't think public schools get enough credit. They're designed to give a quality education to every student who walks through their doors, and that's pretty amazing. If you're thinking about sending your kids to public school or are a former public school student yourself, keep reading for 10 reasons they're the best.


You Get to Grow Up With the Same Kids

Neighborhood schools tend to have the same kids every year, meaning that there's a greater opportunity for your kid to grow up and make lifelong friends. Since private and charter schools often pull from all over the area, it's less likely that children will grow up together.


You Become Part of the Community

Neighborhood schools in particular provide children a chance to be part of their larger community. Fundraisers, games, plays, and other activities allow kids to get to know their neighbors and local businesses.


You Get a Quality Education

There are millions of students that graduate from public schools every year that go on to lead successful lives. At the end of their time in school, public school children will have a superb education that prepares them for the real world.


They Aren't Any Worse Than Private Schools

It's a myth that children will receive a better education at a private or charter school. When studies control for the socioeconomic background of students, publicly educated students fair the same, or better, than private school children.


Tuition Is Cheaper

The national average for private school tuition is over $10,000, and that's nothing to sneeze at. That money could be put into a savings account for college, go towards a mortgage, or help with student-loan debt. Public schools, the payment for which is already built into our taxes, are essentially free.


You Don't Have Uniforms

For most public schools out there, children don't have to buy and maintain expensive uniforms. While gendered dress codes are still prevalent across the country, at least they don't have to wear uniforms. This lets kids express themselves in a fun way every day.


They Have Quality Teachers

Thanks to unions, to be a teacher at a public school in this country, you need at least a 4-year degree and a teaching credential, and over half of teachers have an advanced degree. Private schools have considerably fewer teachers with that kind of education and training. Students taught by teachers with advanced degrees have also been shown to do better on standardized tests and in math.


You Get More Support For Special-Needs Students

Public school have to have supports in place for children with special needs, whereas private schools don't. Even though there are some excellent private and charter schools that exclusively cater to particular special needs (like deafness or autism), public schools really do a fantastic job of meeting the needs of it's most unique students.


You Have a Diverse Group of Students and Staff

While not always true (since many public school boundaries are set by home location and that can be fairly segregated), public schools by and large are more diverse than private schools. Having kids in a class with students who look and believe differently from them has a world of benefits. Students work better in a diverse environment, are more compassionate to others, and they feel safer. Additionally, minority students do better in school in all areas when they have a teaching staff that looks like them.


You Get a Standard Curriculum That Will Prepare You the Future

Bouncing from one charter school to the next could be detrimental to your child's education. Since most students in public schools are teaching similar curriculum, it's easier to navigate the school system. Graduating from a public school will prepare them for college and the work force.

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