The Before-and-After Photos of This "Hangry" Baby Will Crack You Up

Photographer Katherine Paulo learned the hard way that snapping adorable photos of your baby (nay, anyone) is virtually impossible when they're hangry. While trying to get the perfect shot of her 19-month-old daughter, Esme, who has Down syndrome, Katherine was faced with a cranky baby who wanted no part in the photo shoot because all she could think about was food (preach, girl).

"When mommy wants to take pictures but you hangry," Katherine wrote in the caption of the first photo of Esme she took, which she posted to Instagram in black and white. The second photo, which was shared in bright color, features a smiling and bubbly Esme with the caption: "After food."

Never have we related to a 1-year-old more, to be honest.

Katherine is also mom to a set of boy-girl twins (and takes photos under the name "Eslynn King," a mashup of her three kids' names) and admits that parenting a child with Down syndrome isn't always the easiest, especially when they're as hungry as little Esme was during her photo shoot.

"Esme is 19 months now, and while we didn't know about her diagnosis until she was born, we are so blessed to have her," Katherine told POPSUGAR, adding that she's so happy to be sharing her photos of Esme, especially with World Down Syndrome Day being March 21. "Having a little one with DS has its challenges, but they are worth every bit of it!"

Eslynn King Photography