David Henrie's Baby Girl Is Such a Mood in This Failed "Cuddle Your Toddler" TikTok Video

Just when we thought TikTok's "Fruit Snack Challenge" was as cute as it gets, David Henrie and his 17-month-old baby, Pia, are here to prove us wrong. On Aug. 7, David posted a video of himself attempting the "Cuddle Your Todder Challenge," invented by TikTok user @nickandsienna on July 30. The challenge involves parents interrupting their children while they're watching their favorite TV shows by trying to hug them or rest their head in their laps. Many babies and toddlers have responded positively to the challenge, cuddling their parents in return and even giving them kisses or big smiles. Pia, however, quickly decided she was having none of her dad's shenanigans.

In the hilarious video, David does his best to lay his head on Pia's lap while she's sitting on the couch and watching a cartoon. Instead of welcoming the quality time, the baby shoves her dad away with her arms and legs in a move that her magical Aunt Alex Russo would be proud to see. David responds to the unexpected reaction with a laugh and keeps trying his best to sneak in a snuggle, but Pia is very much in the zone. As the Wizards of Waverly Place theme song says, sometimes it's best not to mess with the balance of things. Enjoy David and Pia's wholesome TikTok challenge video here.