Target Just Released Its Own Unicorn Ice Cream, and OMG, It Has Glitter Candy Bits!

Well, everyone, the unicorn craze appears to be far from over, so prepare to get on board with the latest product release: Unicorn Magic Ice Cream from Target! We have to give props to Target for jumping on the trend and creating its own unicorn-inspired ice cream for its Market Pantry line. What exactly is Unicorn Magic Ice Cream made of? Each tub consists of fruity pink ice cream with a sour blue raspberry swirl, frosting swirl, and glitter candy bits. Let's say that again: glitter. candy. bits. It's so unnecessary, but also kind of necessary, right?

This is definitely sugar overload, but that's the whole deal with unicorn foods — we'd totally dig into a couple scoops of this after a rough day. We first spotted this gem of a dessert when Instagram user candyhunting shared a photo of the eye-catching tubs, indicating that it's on some Target shelves now. Keep your eyes peeled for this mythical item, and treat yourself to new unicorn cereal while you're at it!