28 Times the Heirs to the British Throne Were Just Normal Kids

Getty | Max Mumby/Indigo

Being a member of the royal family seems amazing, right? While every aspect of their lives looks decadent and wonderful — Royal events! Palaces! Fancy titles! — we love nothing more than seeing them act as normal as can be, especially the kids.

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are all part of a more modern monarch thanks to their parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, which means their day-to-day is pretty low-key. Prince Louis? He slept through most of his christening, because that's what babies do. Prince George? He makes funny faces at people from windows, because he loves to have fun. And Princess Charlotte? She can be adorably sassy to strangers (well, in her case, it's photographers and the press, but still), because kids say the darndest things.

These examples and so many more prove that Prince William and Kate Middleton's children are, for the most part, just kids who are growing up in a grounded environment. Keep reading to see what we mean, and prepare for cuteness overload when you see the Cambridge children in all their glory.


Sleepy Time

In July 2018, Prince Louis took a little snooze while attending his own christening, and we've totally been there. What baby doesn't fall asleep during a long mass?


Cousin Shenanigans

In July 2018, Prince George got a little silly while at the Trooping the Colour celebration at Buckingham Palace, and his cousin Savannah Philips was the first person to tell him to quiet down. It was hilarious and such a cousin thing to do.


Park Playtime

Princess Charlotte is your average 3-year-old girl. She loves to dance in the park, make her mom laugh, and don adorable accessories, just as she did here in June 2018.


Look, Dad!

Prince George was every kid when he pointed out planes to his dad while on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in 2015. No matter how old you get, planes are pretty darn fascinating as proven by the future King of England's face.


Smiling For His Fans

George is such a goofball! He was spotted sticking his tongue out while looking at all of the fans in front of the palace in 2015, and it's too cute.


Checking in on His Little Sis

When Charlotte was getting christened in 2015, George made sure to sneak a little peek and check in on his baby sister. As anyone who has kids knows, older siblings are always fascinated by their baby sibling, and it melts our hearts.


Snack Attack

While taking in the Trooping the Colour in 2016 with her mom and uncle Prince Harry, Princess Charlotte decided to suck on her fingers as many little kids do. So precious!


Toy Time

While visiting Australia in 2014, Prince William and Kate Middleton's firstborn was as happy as can be when he got a giant stuffed animal as a gift. Didn't you have a favorite stuffed animal back in the day?


Curiosity Down Under

On the Australian royal tour, George couldn't understand what sort of animal he was looking at (it's a Bilby), and his curiosity is so endearing.


Stopping to Smell the Roses

During the family's visit to Germany in 2017, Charlotte was gifted a bouquet of flowers. What was the first thing she did with them? Smelled them, of course!


Pajama Party

When former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama came to England in 2016, they met the sweet little prince, but he couldn't be bothered to change out of his pajamas. Even when you're in line for the throne, you have to adhere to bedtime.


Horsing Around

Even though the rest of his family was engaged in conversation with the Obamas, little George was all about riding his new rocking horse toy, and we don't blame him. It looks like such a blast.


Thumbs Up!

While attending the Royal International Air Tattoo in 2016, George gave a thumbs up before watching the planes take off. His noise-canceling headphones and need to give the pilot a thumbs up is so normal and perfect for his age.


Keeping Mom Close

On their trip to Canada in 2016, Charlotte proved she's mommy's little girl by grabbing onto her broach while stepping off the plane. She was all about sticking close to Kate, and it's exactly what little ones do when in bigger crowds. That, and grabbing anything shiny to play with!


Bubble Fun

What kid doesn't like bubbles? Both George and Charlotte enjoyed a day at a children's party full of balloons, bubbles, and petting zoo animals in Canada in 2016.


Candy Cane Christmas

After making it through Christmas morning mass in 2016, George came out of church looking superdapper and had a candy cane in his mouth. We like to think there was maybe a bit of bribery involved so he would behave during mass, which is so relatable.



Charlotte loves to wave to the paparazzi, like she did here in 2018, and it's so cute! She loves the attention, and it doesn't matter where she's going, she's ready to smile, wave, and talk to anyone, just like a lot of kids her age.


Pageboy Problems

When George was a pageboy in his aunt Pippa Middleton's wedding in 2017, he was a shining star. That doesn't mean that he didn't get bored and decide to dump out his basket while walking around, though.


Tired Tiger

Oh, George, we know how you feel. After a long day of meeting important people in 2017, the prince couldn't help but get tired and rub his eyes. Good thing napping is totally acceptable for children.


Reading Ride

As soon as Charlotte got a book as a gift in 2017, she was officially uninterested in everything else around her. Her dad had to even walk her onto the plane because she was a little distracted by her reading material.


Tantrum Time

See, even royals throw a fit or two from time to time! With so many public engagements, we're not that surprised that a young kid would get tired, scream a little, and refuse to move, just like Charlotte did in 2017.


Keeping an Eye Out

The time that George pressed his face against an airplane window in 2016 might be one of our favorite memories from the future King of England. Smushing his nose to the window is a move we've all done, and not just when we were younger.



When Charlotte was a bridesmaid at her uncle Prince Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle in 2018, she looked so cute. She did, however, show her age when she got a little bored and started to squirm around next to her mom.


Sun's Out, Tongue's Out

If you give a kid a window seat, you're going to get some hilarious faces through that window. As a princess of England, you'd think Charlotte would shy away from silly faces, like this one in 2018, but she's only 3 years old, so yeah, she loves sticking out her tongue!


Chow Time

Even royal babies teeth! Leave it to George to look adorable while chewing on a random toy while out with his parents as a part of their Australian tour in 2014.


Not Feeling the Balcony

As everyone else was watching the Trooping the Colour in 2018, Charlotte was not having it. She was clearly over the event, and her pouting reminds us of our forced family events back in the day, so we totally see where she's coming from.


Keeping His Fans Happy

George is a major fan of giving people a little wave. While most kids don't have an actual audience outside of their cars, they do wave and try to get the attention of other drivers on the road.


Mommy and Me

There are always ups and downs as a child, not to mention being a royal child, but that doesn't mean that Charlotte doesn't get in some precious mother-daughter time when she can. Just look at the joy on her face during this outing in 2018 — it's so sweet.

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