A Music Teacher Wrote a "Song" About Online Learning, and the Twist Is Absolutely Everything

A music teacher named Liz has fittingly decided to channel her feelings about online learning into a "song." In a hilarious TikTok video, we watch as Liz gives a bit of background on her decision to express herself through music.

"I've found that one of the best ways that I can process the whole transition to online learning and teaching is to write a song," she said. "So I wrote a song. I'd like to share that with you guys now." After whipping out a ukulele, she begins to play what sounds to be an uplifting tune about staying positive during this uncertain time. But plot twist: the lyrics are just a whole lot of screaming.

Given the fact that pretty much every parent who is helping their child to learn at home can relate to Liz, it's safe to say we're bookmarking this clip for when we need a laugh. And here's a big shoutout to all of the teachers out there trying to do their best to make the most of a challenging situation!