Heal Your Relationship With Food and Your Body With the Help of These Memes

If you are on a journey to reject diet culture, eat when you're hungry, eat the foods you love, and have a healthy relationship with food, than you are ready for intuitive eating! Unfortunately, with the constant messages we get bombarded with about what our bodies should or shouldn't look like and what foods are "good" and which are "bad," eating intuitively can be difficult to navigate on your own. Find intuitive eating inspiration by scrolling through these memes.

Foster a healthy relationship with food.


Yes! More kindness toward yourself. More love!

Fruit is not the enemy!

Stop with the rules!

Eating should be a pleasurable experience. It shouldn't feel complicated!

Fuel yourself!

And whatever else you love!

Think of how different your life would be if you were at peace with food and your body.

Healthy eating is not your life's only purpose.

Forget restricting and experience freedom.

Listen to your body. It's trying to tell you something.

It's OK!

Eat and enjoy!