17 Amazing CrossFit Transformations That'll Make You Want to Do Burpees and Deadlifts

The incredibly intense, fast-paced workouts CrossFit is known for, which test your physical and mental strength and leave you huffing and puffing are bound to change a person. The amazing transformations ahead show how CrossFit made these women stronger, more confident, and a better version of themselves — you can see it in their faces! If you've always wanted to join a CrossFit gym (called a box) to challenge yourself, these before-and-after photos are all the motivation you need.

"My motivation comes from my love for bettering myself and the love I have for getting stronger."

"Along the way I've found the happiness I thought would only arrive once I was the 'right' size. The happiness comes from loving the body you're in at ANY stage of your journey."


"Two years in, discipline and changing my relationship with food along with exercise has radically changed my life. You can see it on the outside but the inside is what has really changed."

"'Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.'"

"Results come with patience, consistency, and hard work. No one ever said this would be easy, but believe me when I tell you it's worth it!! 2 1/2 years in, [I'm] never going back to my old lifestyle."

"I fell in love with running not because I love to run, but because of what running brought me. It's a supportive community where at races maybe people talk about times, but they are just happy you showed up. . . Fast forward a couple years and I have been able to find this in CrossFit but now get to also enjoy my love for weights as well."

"I can feel myself morphing into a new identity of grit and determination, an identity I couldn't create without working through the last 12 months. I respect the process and patience I need to get where I want to go."

"I thought I'd take a look back at where I used to be and remind myself of the changes I've made over the past few years. . . The comparison photos are: At my heaviest vs Now (4 1/2 years difference) and Pre CrossFit vs Now (1 1/2 years difference)."

"Who would've thought, diet & exercise actually does work."

Her amazing transformation from March 2017 to December 2018.

"2012 👉🏼 2018. My walking sticks grew into actual legs. In 2012 all I did was run and pole vault so it was best to be light as a feather (I believe I was about 120 pounds then) and on the right I'm now 150 pounds and stronger and faster. Thanks, CrossFit."

"Almost 6 months into my journey and 56lbs down!!!!"

"Same outfit, just 70 lbs lighter 💪🏼."

"Your competition isn't other people,
Your competition is your procrastination!
Your ego!
The unhealthy food you're consuming!
The knowledge you neglect!
The negative behavior you're nurturing!
START COMPETING AGAINST THAT and see your transformation!!!"

"#transformationtuesday because it's always a work in progress and I absolutely promise to NEVER forget about the 'old me.'"

"3 years ago, I would never have thought I was where I am today, in the top 50 in Canada."

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