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Headstand Leg Lifts

If headstand is too difficult, do double leg lifts instead.

  • Come into a Bound Headstand; here's how: begin on your hands and knees. Lower your elbows to the floor, and interlace your fingers, bringing your lowest pinkie in front of the other pinkie, forming a semicircle with your hands.
  • Place the back of your head against your palms and the top of your head on the mat so your skull is vertical with the floor. Once your head and forearms feel stable, straighten both legs, and walk your feet toward your face as far as you can.
  • Shift your hips over your shoulders, and keep your elbows planted firmly on the mat. Lift both legs into the air coming into Bound Headstand.
  • Take a breath in, and as you exhale, slowly lower both feet toward the floor, hovering an inch or so above the ground, then inhale to slowly raise the legs back up to Headstand.
  • This completes one rep. Do as many reps as you can in 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds.
  • If you have a hard time staying balanced, try lowering the knees into a tuck position, holding here instead.
  • Roll onto your belly, and read on to learn how to stretch your abs with Cobra pose.