8 Instagram Fitness Stars You Can (and Should!) Work Out With on YouTube

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Instagram is actually a grade-A resource for fitness, whether you want to keep tabs on your favorite brands or media sites (follow us here!), read up on registered dietitians' nutrition advice — make sure they're credible — or find awesome workouts from kick-butt certified personal trainers. Don't believe me? Here are a handful of accounts to follow for workouts straight from Instagram.

If you're obsessed with these fitness stars, you might also be interested in their workouts on other platforms (because, let's be honest, sometimes you just need a break from the land of selfies and brunch chronicles). Ahead, we've compiled a list of top-notch trainers you've seen on Instagram that you can find on YouTube, too. It's a great alternative to workout apps because you can pick and choose what videos to try all in one place. Plus, convenience is key. Get ready to get sweaty anytime, anywhere!

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Anna Victoria

Personal trainer and Fit Body app/guide creator Anna Victoria posts about her clients, workouts, and everyday life on Instagram. Via YouTube, you'll find a similar vibe, with HIIT sessions and booty exercises, question-and-answer videos, and nutrition tips. Find her on Glow by POPSUGAR, too!

Instagram: @annavictoria

YouTube: Anna Victoria

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Jillian Michaels

She's a NESTA- and AFAA-certified trainer, black belt in Muay Thai and Akauri-Do, and creator of the My Fitness by Jillian Michaels app. Jillian is basically a household name when it comes to fitness, and her YouTube channel features a variety of workouts, informational videos about her app, and more.

Instagram: @jillianmichaels

YouTube: Jillian Michaels

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Niki, otherwise known on Instagram as SugarySixpack, is an ACE-certified trainer and pre/postnatal specialist who posts multiple workouts on her feed per week (the number I have saved on Instagram is too many to count). Her YouTube channel is a great resource for the same home workouts, like 20-minute full-body circuits, leg and butt videos, core sessions . . . you name it!

Instagram: @sugarysixpack

YouTube: SugarySixPack

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Kayla Itsines

Sweat app trainer and BBG creator Kayla Itsines just welcomed her first child into the world! And, although she's more active on Instagram, you can find some of her BBG workouts on her YouTube channel, along with tutorials about exercises and her Summer Sweat Series from past years.

Instagram: @kayla_itsines

YouTube: Kayla Itsines

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Christine Bullock

Christine Bullock, creator of fitness programs like Evolution 20 Super Shred, is another trainer you can find on Glow by POPSUGAR. Her certifications range from yoga and Pilates to pre- and postnatal fitness. On her YouTube channel, sort through quick videos for different muscle groups or her appearances in Class FitSugar workouts.

Instagram: @christinebullock

YouTube: Christine Bullock

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Love Sweat Fitness

NCCPT-certified Katie Dunlop from Love Sweat Fitness is no stranger to Class FitSugar (see?). Her YouTube channel consists of HIIT cardio, weight-loss success stories, and healthy life hacks. You can also find her on Glow by POPSUGAR.

Instagram: @lovesweatfitness

YouTube: Love Sweat Fitness

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Tone It Up Girls

Tone It Up cofounders and trainers Karena and Katrina have a YouTube channel devoted to booty workouts, healthy recipes, and all things Tone It Up. (Make sure to bookmark this channel — it's so worth it.)

Instagram: @toneitup

YouTube: Tone It Up