I Tried Halle Berry's Bodyweight Ab Workout, and My Abs Just Made Their Grand Appearance

Getty | Jacopo Raule

I'm going to cut to the chase: I love Halle Berry, and I love her workouts, especially her ab workouts. If there was a Halle Berry "Fitness Friday" fan club, I'd be the president (this actually sounds like a great idea), but I digress.

Halle's latest ab workout is all about feeling strong, sexy, and confident, and it takes less than five minutes to do. That's my type of workout. Because I've tried a few of her other ab workouts, I expected this one to ignite my abdominal muscles — and it 100 percent did.

This workout will help strengthen your core with dynamic and high-intensity movements like the Russian twist and side skaters. It's short, effective, and will make your abs look more sculpted. If you're looking for a challenge, try Halle's ab workout for yourself.

Halle's 5-Minute Ab Workout

All you need is a medium-size towel to perform this workout. You can also perform these exercises without a towel if necessary.

  • Straight-arm towel sit-up: 10 to 20 reps
  • Straight-arm slow Russian twist: 10 to 20 reps
  • Squat, press, and jump-through burpee: 10 to 20 reps
  • Overhead towel Bulgarian back lunge and side knee: 10 to 20 reps
  • Mega plyo skater: 10 to 20 reps

To see exactly how Halle performed each move, keep reading.


Straight-Arm Towel Sit-Up

Start by holding the towel at both ends with your arms fully extended as you perform a sit-up. Complete 10 to 20 reps.


Straight-Arm Slow Russian Twist

Start by sitting on the ground. Your feet can be lifted up off the ground or placed on the ground for more support (here are a few Russian twist variations to try). Hold the towel in both hands with your arms fully extended and slowly begin to twist toward your right. Return to the center and then slowly twist toward your left. Complete 10 to 20 reps.


Squat, Press, and Jump-Through Burpee

With the towel in your hands, perform a squat, and then stand all the way up as you press the towel overhead. Finish off by jumping over the towel (as if you were jumping rope) followed by a burpee. Complete 16 to 20 reps.


Overhead Towel Bulgarian Back Lunge and Side Knee

Start standing with a towel in both hands and your arms fully extended overhead. With control, perform a reverse lunge by stepping your right leg behind you. Using your core, stand back up and drive your knee up to the side. Repeat with the left leg. Complete 10 to 20 reps.


Mega Plyo Skater

Start standing with the towel on the ground about a foot away from your right leg. The towel should be used as a marker to jump over as you perform skaters. Complete 10 to 20 reps.

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