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How to Keep Belly Fat Off With Exercise

You can't expect to maintain your weight loss by going back to the old habits that made you overweight in the first place, Jamie said. She and Krissi agreed that you need to continue your exercise program and continue challenging yourself to keep your body guessing and to get stronger.

Keep up with consistent exercise by doing workouts you enjoy. Holly suggested working out with other people to keep you motivated. "We push ourselves more when we train with others, so try to get into a class or group that will encourage you to keep your workouts on track.

Remember that workouts aren't the only way to maintain weight loss with movement. Registered dietitian Emily Tills, MS, RDN, CDN said, "When you increase your NEAT (nonexercise activity thermogenesis), you can increase your overall calorie burn throughout the day without it feeling like a chore." Make a point to get up and walk around a few minutes every hour, take a walk during your lunch break, or walk up a few flights to get to the bathroom on a different floor in your office building. Wearing a fitness tracker can track your steps — see if you can get 10,000 a day.

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