New to Fitness, and Want a Stronger Core? Check Out These Beginner Ab Workout Videos

POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Ever experience a deep belly laugh, put away groceries, or sit up straight when someone told you to pay more attention? We're guessing you have — and you're using your abs for all of that. They stabilize your posture, play a role in daily functions, and help you walk, twist, etc. That's why working on your core is important: it's not just for looks.

You can learn how to engage your core by pulling your belly button in toward your spine. Here are core-activating exercises to practice. For workouts that are on the easier side and by definition low-impact, check out the videos ahead.

They're all relatively short, require zero equipment, and are made for people just starting out at, or getting back to, a beginner level. One is also a standing ab routine, and we've included a gentle yoga flow for the abdominal wall as well. Find an open space and a mat if need be, and get to work! (Plus, when you feel ready, try these follow-along plank challenges.)

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9-Minute Beginner Pilates Ab Workout From Blogilates

ACE-certified personal trainer and Blogilates creator Cassey Ho walks us through a Pilates ab workout for beginners. There are six moves including the hundred, single-leg stretch (similar to bicycles) and lower-abs-focused single-leg taps. You'll be doing each move for a minute and 30 seconds.

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10-Minute Ab Workout For Beginners From BodyFit By Amy

Amy Kiser Schemper of BodyFit By Amy gives us a 10-minute ab workout that is, as she explains, a little easier on the back while working on the core. We've got crunches, heel taps, plank on the knees, and more. She goes slow here on purpose, so following along won't be a problem!

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10-Minute Ab Workout For Beginners From HASfit

This HASfit workout that lasts just 10 minutes doesn't require any equipment (like the others we've featured so far). You'll be given progressions as well to try once you're feeling stronger (regular plank shoulder taps instead of plank shoulder taps on your knees and seated knee tucks instead of single-leg seated knee tucks, for example).

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10-Minute Core Workout From Class FitSugar

This workout was created by Class FitSugar host Anna Renderer, and it's geared toward helping people regain their core strength (she says she's loved doing this routine since having her baby boy!). It includes what she calls "knee-hug bicycles," as well as something called a "reach-behind" (you can be in a V-sit for this or rest your feet on the ground).

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5 Easy Ab Exercises From Love Sweat Fitness

Katie Dunlop of Love Sweat Fitness brings us five ab exercises that she classifies as easy and will get deep into your core. One exercise I've found to be more effective than it might look is what Katie calls "rock the boat." You'll need a pillow for this, and you can repeat the video once more for a longer workout.

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10-Minute Standing Ab Workout From Heather Robertson

If you're not into floor work, this routine from trainer Heather Robertson is done entirely standing. You'll be completing a 10-move circuit two times, and each move will be done for 30 seconds. Knee drives, oblique twists, high knees, and more!

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14-Minute Abdominal Wall Core Practice From Yoga With Adriene

Yoga instructor Adriene Mishler has a gentle flow for the abdominal wall. You'll do moves like Cat Cow, hovers, and modified Boat pose. Mishler will provide variations that are easier than what she's already guiding you through, so follow accordingly.

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10-Minute Beginner Lower Abs Workout From SugarySixPack

ACE-certified personal trainer Niki from SugarySixPack has a lower abs workout that consists of three rounds of a four-move circuit. She says it isn't timed, but it took her around 10 minutes to do, and if you follow along, it'll take you that long as well. The first move is a tap-out, and the last move is knee circles.