I'm a Plant-Based Eater and These Are the 2 Low-Carb, High-Protein Milks I Buy Every Week

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I can't tell you how many times I've stood in front of the plant-based milk section of the grocery store, holding two cartons side by side, comparing their nutritional information. Protein and sugar content are the top two things I zero in on, and since I tend to buy unsweetened plant-based milks, I'm left comparing protein.

I've never been big on buying almond milk — I just think it's a waste since it only offers one gram of protein per serving. I used to only buy unsweetened soy milk — until I discovered these two brands of milk that have pea protein added, which makes them higher in protein than any other milks I've seen — even cow's milk! And they both have under two grams of carbs.

These nondairy milks are easily my absolute favorites, and I never leave the store without them. They taste delicious enough on their own in a glass (with cookies!), and are versatile enough to add to recipes. Keep reading to find out their stellar nutritional information.

Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Protein Almond and Cashew Milk

Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Protein Almond and Cashew Milk is probably my favorite low-carb, high-protein nondairy milk. The flavor is slightly sweet with no weird aftertaste, and the texture is smooth and creamy. A one-cup serving is 110 calories and has two grams of carbs and 10 grams of protein.

It tastes delicious straight from the glass, added to chai tea or smoothie bowls, used in granola or overnight oats, and is also delicious in baking. Silk also makes an unsweetened nonvanilla flavor, which is equally delicious and great for savory recipes.

Ripple Unsweetened Vanilla

Another plant-based milk made with pea protein, Ripple Unsweetened Vanilla tastes sweet and has a slightly thicker, creamier consistency than the Silk. A one-cup serving is just 80 calories, and has less than one gram of carbs, and offers eight grams of protein.

If you prefer nonvanilla flavor, go for the Ripple Unsweetened Original — it'll save you 10 calories per serving and tastes great. I love using Ripple in smoothies, baked goods, "buttermilk" pancakes, and enjoying straight out of the bottle.

Ripple Unsweetened Vanilla is slightly more expensive than the Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Protein Almond and Cashew Milk, and may be harder to find, which is why I tend to buy the Silk more often. I also like that it's higher in protein, even though it's 30 calories more per serving.

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