16 Mobility Sequences to Develop Strength, Stability, and Flexibility

Unsplash | Dane Wetton

Ever feel like after a run, you just want a little something more that won't necessarily make you break a sweat? Or, are you pretty flexible (thanks, downward dogs), but feel like you're lacking agility, stability, or strength? Mobility sequences will help you to develop stability and strength at the end of your flexibility range, where most people are the least stable and lack balance. They can also help your body become more free-moving, more agile, and improve your posture, making your muscles feel longer and leaner.

Improving your mobility is important to prevent injuries, improve strength and circulation, and just feel better, especially when stress is weighing you down, or you've spent the entire day hunched over your laptop. Ahead, see 15 mobility sequences that you can follow along with to get your juices, and energies, positively flowing, creating a noticeable effect on your day to day.

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20 Minute Hip Mobility Sequence by Shona Vertue

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Follow-Along Shoulder Mobility Sequence by Mind Pump TV

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12 Minute Hip Mobility Routine by Tom Merrick

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10 Minute Mobility Sequence by Scott Davis

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10 Minute Daily Mobility Routine by Shona Vertue

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Hip Mobility Routine by GMB Fitness

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10-Minute Mobility Sequence by Whole Life Challenge

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30 Minute Whole Body Mobility Sequence by Yoga With Olive

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Daily 10 Minute Mobility Sequence by Luka Hocevar

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Daily Joint Mobility Routine by GMB Fitness

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Shoulder Mobility Sequence by Kit Laughlin

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20 Minute Lower Body Mobility Sequence by Yoga With Olive

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Best Shoulder Mobility Exercises and Chest Opener by SaturnoMovement

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20 Minute Shoulder Release Yoga and Mobility by Shona Vertue

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Hip Opening Mobility Sequence by Dr. Andreo Spina