Want to Burn Fat and Build Muscle? Start With This Trainer's 30-Minute Total-Body Workout

If you have the goals of getting stronger, losing body fat, and building lean muscle, you're going to need to hit the weights. Traditional strength training is a great place to begin, but if you want to maximize your fat burn and increase your muscle mass, you should start incorporating conditioning workouts into your routine. Conditioning workouts combine high-intensity strength exercises with minimal rest, and they really work wonders for your body.

When I went home a few months ago, I visited my friend's gym and took one of his conditioning classes, and let me tell you, it was no joke. It challenged me the entire time and when I woke up the next, day my muscles were extremely sore — the good sore. Because the workout was so good, I asked personal trainer Q Jefferson, ISSA, RKC, owner of SWAT Fitness in Tucson, AZ, to share it with all of you. Don't be surprised if your shoulders and legs burn hours after your workout is over.

The Conditioning Workout

Be sure to complete a thorough warmup before starting the workout. Here's one of our favorites. The workout will be broken up into two parts. First, you'll do four rounds of the strength exercises without taking a break, followed by exactly two minutes of rest. Next, you'll complete four rounds of the conditioning portion without taking any rest. Q said women should have two 10- to 12-pound dumbbells and men should have two 12- to 20-pound dumbbells. Feel free to increase or decrease the weight as necessary.

Part 1: Strength
Complete four continuous rounds, taking little to no rest in between the exercises and rounds. As always, listen to your body and take breaks if necessary.

  • Lateral raise: 10 reps
  • Squat jump: 15 reps
  • Wall sit with calf raise: 20 reps
  • Alternating dumbbell punch: 20 reps (each arm)

Take two minutes of rest and then begin part two.

Part 2: Conditioning
Complete four continuous rounds, taking little to no rest in between the exercises and rounds. As always, listen to your body and take breaks if necessary.

  • Sprint: 40-60 meters (or 20-30 seconds on a treadmill)
  • Mountain climber: 15 reps (each leg)
  • High knees: 15 reps (each leg)
  • Frogger: 10 reps

Be sure to stretch and foam roll once you're finished with the workout.

Part 1, Exercise 1: Lateral Raise
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Part 1, Exercise 1: Lateral Raise

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand so your palms face in toward the sides of your body.
  • With control, keep your arm straight (but don't lock that elbow), and as you inhale, raise both hands up toward the ceiling. You want your palms to be facing down and your arms to be parallel to the floor. Then, as you exhale, slowly lower your hands back to your body. You should be able to see your hands in your peripheral vision, so your arms won't be directly out to the side, but slightly forward.
  • Do the same move with your left arm.
  • Complete 10 reps.
Part 1, Exercise 2: Squat Jump
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Part 1, Exercise 2: Squat Jump

  • Start in a squat with your arms by your sides.
  • Swing your arms to the ceiling, and jump.
  • Land quietly as you return to the squat position. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 15 reps.
Part 1, Exercise 3: Wall Sit With Calf Raise
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Part 1, Exercise 3: Wall Sit With Calf Raise

  • Stand with your back against a wall, placing your feet about two feet in front of you. Feet should be hip-distance apart.
  • Bending your knees, slide your back down the wall until your knees are at 90-degree angles. Your knee joints should be over your ankle joints, so you may need to inch your feet farther from the wall to create proper alignment. Don't let your knees fall into the midline of your body or sway outward.
  • From here, raise both calves up simultaneously and then lower them back to ground. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 20 reps.
Part 1, Exercise 4: Alternating Dumbbell Punch

Part 1, Exercise 4: Alternating Dumbbell Punch

  • Begin with a light dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your abs tight and your back flat. Guard your face with your fists, and keep a soft bend in your knees.
  • Keeping the weight in your right foot, pivot your left foot, rotating your abdomen toward the right as you throw your left punch across your body.
  • Return to center, and repeat on the opposite side, maintaining a tight and stable core throughout. This count as two reps.
  • Complete 20 reps on each arm for a total of 40 reps.

Take two minutes of rest once you've completed the fourth round and then begin part two of the workout.

Part 2, Exercise 1: Sprint
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Part 2, Exercise 1: Sprint

Part 2, Exercise 2: Mountain Climber

Part 2, Exercise 2: Mountain Climber

  • Start in a traditional plank — shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes.
  • With your core engaged, bring your right knee forward under your chest, with the toes just off the ground. Return to your basic plank. Switch legs, bringing the left knee forward. This counts as one rep.
  • Keep switching legs and begin to pick up the pace until it feels a little like running in place in a plank position.
  • Complete 15 reps.
  • If this is too easy, place two 10-pound dumbbells under your feet and perform the mountain climbers.
Part 2, Exercise 3: High Knees
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Part 2, Exercise 3: High Knees

  • Hold your hands at waist level.
  • Hop the right knee up toward your hands, then quickly switch legs and hop the left knee up.
  • This counts as one rep. Complete 15 reps.
Part 2, Exercise 4: Frogger
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Part 2, Exercise 4: Frogger

  • Begin in a plank position. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands, coming into a deep squat and keeping your hands on the floor.
  • Jump your feet back to a plank. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 10 reps.