According to the Men of Reddit, Guys Really Hate These 13 Things That Women Do

We all know that men and are women aren't always on the same page when it comes to the dating game (and quite a few other things, if we're being totally honest), so the guys of Reddit have taken the liberty to clear the air for all of us. Certain acts that we might have assumed served to attract men are actually total turn-offs, according to those who participated in this thread. Like stealing their sweaters and not giving them back? Apparently, that's not cool.

Ladies, we're in no way suggesting that you should be changing your ways for a man, or anyone else, but here are 13 potentially insightful pieces of advice in case you're looking for some answers to your dating troubles with guys — or, honestly, just looking for a good laugh.

1. Lying about liking their hobbies or interests.

"I watched my dad marry two different women that 'loved hunting and fishing' too. The old man spent every free weekend in the woods or on the water. Those two women tagged along for six to eight years thinking they were being a good wife. Eventually both of them grew to not only resent going with him, but were angry that he never took them out or did anything else. I'm not saying he was perfect, but he was the honest one in those relationships. Don't pretend; just be honest up front. My chick has zero interest in most of my hobbies and because I know that, I find other ways for us to spend time together. And I knew that from jump street so there's no resentment or anger bubbling under the surface that will culminate in an angry divorce at some point."

2. Waiting for them to pursue you.

"Let's be real. If a girl comes up to me and asks if I wanna grab a drink with her, there's no real reason why I wouldn't. That'd be absolutely mind-blowing."

3. Making them play the guessing game.

"Tell us what you want! Whether it be food, sex, material possessions, WHATEVER. This will build a list of things we know you like and will allow us to surprise you with similar things in the future. It is so damn infuriating to constantly hear 'surprise me' and then catch attitude for a week afterward when our surprise wasn't what you actually ducking wanted in the first place! Should your partner know you well enough to surprise you with your favorite food/clothes? Yes. But only after they know what those things are."

4. Having certain faces or filters on social media.

"The dog face filter in Snapchat."

"Duck faces."

5. Playing hard to get.

"The second a girl does the hard-to-get thing, I just assume she doesn't like me and move on. The girls that I've been involved with were very upfront. They made themselves available and we subsequently went and did things together."

"Agreed. I've done the whole 'chase' thing and it usually ends up that the girl needs to be validated every day. She needs to be reminded constantly that you are still attracted to her. Huge red flag for me."

6. Playing dumb.

"Doing the cute dumb thing. Ladies, it isn't cute; there is nothing wrong with being smarter than a dude or smarter than your peers. Much love, ladies!"

7. Stealing their sweater and not returning it.

"Not cool, man. It is my hoodie."

8. Not being upfront about your feelings.

"Honestly, it sucks to hear, but when a girl says, 'I'm not interested in anything with you, and I don't see that changing,' it's a hell of a lot easier on both of us. Oftentimes for my own self-improvement, I'll ask a follow-up: 'Okay, that's totally fine. So I know for myself, is there something I could work on that would also be a red flag for others in the future?' or something along those lines. Trust me, it's a hell of a lot easier than any other option you're thinking of."

9. Continuing to tickle them after they've told you to stop.

"NO means NO when it comes to tickling."

10. Insisting that they fight for you.

"So you publicly declared you prefer another dude, but you secretly want us to commit assault and battery on each other? Yeah, no. Bye."

11. Pretending to be enjoying yourself.

"Please don't respond to my 'Are you having fun?' with 'I am if you are.' I genuinely feel joy when I can share something I love with someone and they have that glint of excitement in their eyes the same way I did. Just sticking around for something I already experienced and you are not enjoying doesn't make me any happier."

12. Acting coy.

"Please tell us what's good. We won't figure it out, and with the current climate, we definitely wanna stay 100 yards away if not specifically told otherwise."

13. "Being one of the guys and having no girlfriends."

"Anytime I hear a girl state, 'I hang out with guys because I don't get along with most girls,' I GTFO. It's a HUGE red flag.

Edit for clarity: There is a difference between a girl that makes natural friendships with guys and the one who feels the need to belch out the statement above. The former doesn't need to state that, because frankly it's irrelevant to them. The latter is quite the opposite. In nearly all the cases when I've heard this statement, it's coming from some girl holding court with her latest circle of random dudes. She's typically loud and obnoxious, and the guys spend the entire evening c*ckblocking each other, hoping for a minute of her attention."