This Video Reminds Us There Is Only 1 Way to Fight LGBTQ Intolerance

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We can't deny that the Orlando, FL, shooting was a targeted attack against the LGTBQ community. However, in the wake of such a horrible tragedy, there has been an outpouring of love for the LGBTQ community.

Today, YouTube launched its #ProudToBe campaign to encourage everyone to be proud of who they are — despite anyone who wants them to feel otherwise. The video has a litany of powerful and moving quotes from people across the globe sharing their thoughts on gender identity. One person was featured in the video declaring that "this will not scare us back into the closet; we will be seen and we will be heard." LGBTQ community members and allies alike will feel empowered by this video to be who they are, to forget the naysayers, and to love themselves and others all the more.