10 Foods You Should Try Eating in the Bedroom to Get in the Mood

In the name of science, we challenge you to add some menu items to the bedroom tonight — and we're not talking toys or positions. Experimenting with food aphrodisiacs can really only benefit you: it's a fun way to mix things up, and if you happen to discover something that works . . .

Before we dive into some suggestions, be warned that aphrodisiacs in general are largely psychological. There aren't many proven foods that have been scientifically shown to affect the sexual organs directly, but there are some that contain the right kinds of nutrients to help things along. You may also find that certain textures, scents, and flavors trigger your erotic side. And assuming that you're testing these out with someone you're into, your sexual chemistry, the ambience, and several other factors will come into play that could potentially boost the arousing effects of the food. But that's not to say that you should knock it before even trying it.

Take these 10 foods ahead for a spin yourself.

StockSnap | Sonja Langford


The aphrodisiac properties of honey have been long believed since the fifth century, when newlyweds were given a honey-based drink during the first moon of marriage, hence the term "honeymoon." Not only is it a natural performance enhancer for athletes (boosts energy), but it can also help regulate estrogen and testosterone levels.

Unsplash | Danielle MacInnes


Strawberries contain antioxidants and are especially great for blood flow circulation throughout your entire body.

Flickr user Tim Sackton


This distinct-tasting green is packed with antioxidants and minerals that have been said since the first century AD to aid with our libido.

StockSnap | Revac Film's & Photography


This seeded fruit also contains antioxidants that help with blood flow. In small studies, pomegranate juice has shown to even aid with erectile dysfunction.

Unsplash | Brenda Godinez


This fatty fruit is packed with energy-boosting (B9) and testosterone-friendly (B6) vitamins, so feed each other as much avocado toast as you want.

StockSnap | Michał Grosicki


As popular of an "aphrodisiac" chocolate is believed to be, studies have sadly debunked the item entirely. Its sex-drive-boosting capabilities aren't completely invalid, however. If it works, it's usually because of a placebo effect, but hey, if it works for you, it works.

Flickr user Forest Farming


Research has found that the herb can aid in erectile dysfunction and that a particular Korean red ginseng has shown to boost sexual arousal in menopausal women.

StockSnap | Jaroslaw Puszczyński


Figs are practically the poster fruit for female fertility; just look at it. But they also contain an amino acid that supports blood flow throughout the body.

Olive Oil
StockSnap | Martin Philpot

Olive Oil

Olive oil, a good source of fats, has been used for centuries for its many health benefits, including on male sex drive. Its antioxidants and amino acids are great for a healthy heart and much more.