10 Reasons Being Single in Your 30s Is the Best

Unsplash | Alexa Suter

Being single in your 30s is a whole different game, one where you are the true winner and all of your exes and failed attempts at serious relationships don't come back to haunt you — they come back to liberate you. You feel free, whole, and happy on a whole other level. When I look back at my love life in my 20s, I get embarrassed. I said all the wrong things on dates, entered into relationships with all the wrong types of people, and didn't put myself first, ever, for the entire decade. But in my 30s, the relationship I have with myself comes first, and I no longer find myself chasing after an engagement ring, giving in to the noise that my biological clock is making, or wanting to be in a relationship unless it's absolutely right. Being single in your 30s has perks — major perks. This list of will remind you why being single and 30 is the greatest.


You Can Pack Up and Go — Whenever You Want

Eyeball your bucket list. Is there a city on it that you've always wanted to move to? Does your job have an opening in a new state or country that's making your heart flutter with interest? Since you don't have a person holding you back to the city you live in, you can pack up and live anywhere for a chunk of your 30s.


You Can Learn From Other's Mistakes

Some of the best people you can learn from in your life are the ones who are living a different life than you are. Turn to your friends for relationship advice, and learn from some of the mistakes they made that either led them to get a divorce or spend a lot of cash on couples therapy.


You Can Date Smarter

In your 30s, time seems to slow down a whole lot. You won't find yourself as eager to jump into relationships or date just for the sake of dating. You'll know more about the kind of person you're looking for and you won't waste your time with people who don't meet that well-set standard.


You Can Bond With Your Friend Group

Friendships in your 30s feel like extensions of your family members. Being single allows you to focus on those relationships more, spending more time with your closest BFFs, heading out on adventures that only good friends can share together.


You Can Keep on Growing as a Person

Without wasting energy on failing relationships, you can spend more time on personal growth. Sign up to take new classes, dive into a new hobby, or give in to do something you've always wanted to accomplish.


You Can Take Solo Trips

With a little more cash in the bank, and nobody else to spend it on, you can start planning solo vacations that are all about you and what you want to do. Whether it's a week on the beach or a cruise around the Caribbean, it's up to you this time.


You Can Be Selfish With Your Cash

Look at the dollars in your bank account and give yourself a pat on the back for saving up some cash. Spend your money how you want to spend it without having to worry about picking up the tab for someone else.


You Can Choose Your Career

As you were building your career in your 20s, you might have had to pick between doing that or focusing on a faulty relationship. But being single and in your 30s means you can keep pushing forward with your career goals without having anyone try to stop you.


You Can Spend Your Weekends Judgment-Free

If staying in bed all weekend binge-watching a TV show sounds like your ideal Saturday, you can do it without being judged. You can also watch the show of your choice and sprawl out on your bed without having to share it with anyone else. Or if the weekend of your dream involves sitting at a local coffee shop reading or grabbing brunch with your best friends, it's all up to you to plan and decide.


You Can Enjoy the Love You Have For Yourself

In your 30s, pull out all the stops for yourself. Dive into the love you have for who you are and all the strength that you've acquired throughout your life. Being single doesn't mean you're empty in the love department; it just gives you more of a reason to run away with the love you have for yourself as a person.

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