This Is What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Love Language

Getty | Stephen Zeigler

Reading through your monthly horoscope to get the scoop on your love life can be fun, especially if you're a true believer in all things astrological. But what's arguably better is understanding how different planets can play into your cosmic personality, all based on your birth chart. Because in the same way you can use your astrology sign to predict your beige flag or toxic trait, you can also use your astrology sign to predict your love language, too.

As dictated in the book "The Five Love Languages" by counselor Gary Chapman, PhD, the love languages describe the way you prefer to receive love — how you interpret actions or words as signs of affection. The five love languages are: acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation. Most people appreciate all of these things, to a certain degree, but connect with one or two of the love languages more so than the others. (And, FYI, no love language is "better" or "worse" than the others.)

Knowing your love language (and your partner's!) can be majorly helpful in a relationship, since you'll be better able to communicate about how you recognize and receive love, as well as better understand what they want in return. So what do the stars say about your preferred gesture of love? Keep reading to learn which love language your zodiac sign speaks.

Aries Love Language

Love language: Physical touch

An Aries (March 21-April 19) can put up a convincing front, but when they're feeling romantic, they can turn to mush at the touch of their partner — so Aries's love language must be physical touch. Aries signs secretly love to get cozy and feel the warmth of another person. They're ruled by Mars, the planet that rules aggression and sex drive, so they're all about getting physical. Hugs, hand-holding, playing with their hair — all of these things will have fiery Aries melting.

Taurus Love Language

Love language: Receiving gifts

Taureans (April 20-May 20) love the lavish life. These signs are known for their self-indulging tendencies when it comes to the material world, and they're proud of it! That makes total sense when you consider the fact that they're ruled by the second house of material possessions. If your partner is a bull, spoil them with thoughtful tokens, big and small, since Taurus's love language is definitely receiving gifts.

Gemini Love Language

Love language: Words of affirmation

If there's one thing Geminis (May 21-June 20) love — besides social gatherings, of course — it's to have long, deep conversations, so it's only natural that Gemini's love language is words of affirmation. That's because they're ruled by the super-chatty planet, Mercury. If you want to impress a Gemini, listen to all of their anecdotes, but if you want to really romance them, shower them in endless compliments.

Cancer Love Language

Love language: Quality time

Cancers (June 21-July 22) are known for their immense sensitivity — they're ruled by the dramatic moon, after all! These signs are all about creating sentimental moments. That's why they love it when their partner reserves special, undisturbed mornings, afternoons, or evenings with them — and why Cancer's love language is definitely quality time.

Leo Love Language

Love language: Receiving gifts

When it comes to Leos' (July 23-Aug. 22) love language, they are all about receiving the shiny and glamorous — after all, they're pretty shiny and glamorous themselves. They love to radiate an incandescent glow, much like their planetary ruler, the sun (yes, in astrology, the sun is a planet). If you want to show Leo love, you probably want to shower them with gifts, and the shinier, the better.

Virgo Love Language

Love language: Words of affirmation

Virgos (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) prefer their partners to be vocal with their support and affection. These signs are ruled by the sixth house of routine, so it's easy for them to get caught up in mundane tasks. It means a lot to a Virgo when their lover can cheer them on from the sidelines, especially after a long day at work. They're also ruled by Mercury, the ruler of communication, making it even more clear that Virgo's love language is words of affirmation.

Libra Love Language

Love language: Quality time

For Libras (Sept. 23-Oct. 22), romance is their brand, and they take love very seriously. That's because they're represented by Venus, the planet of all things romantic and sensual. But when it comes to Libra's love language, they prefer to spend dedicated time with their partner to know they're appreciated. They're also ruled by the seventh house of partnerships, so they need to be in a setting where they can be intimate and vulnerable with their partner in all ways.

Scorpio Love Language

Love language: Physical touch

Scorpios (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) love intimacy, even if it takes time to break through that tough shell of theirs. These zodiac signs are ruled by the mysterious eighth house, also referred to as the house of sex, so they're all about the sensual and carnal parts of love. Since Scorpio's love language is physical touch, showing them affection means lots of physical intimacy.

Sagittarius Love Language

Love language: Quality time

A Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) loves learning and expanding their knowledge, and they'd enjoy it even more with an equally curious partner. These jovial signs are ruled by the ninth house of philosophy, and because of that, they want to explore the world with you. If you're trying to romance a Sagittarius, prepare to spend lots of quality time exploring with them.

Capricorn Love Language

Love language: Acts of service

Capricorns (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) don't mess around, especially in terms of love. These cardinal signs are ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, so they love to see their partner backing up their words with action. Giving them love means showing your affection with romantic gestures and doing thoughtful things to help them out, since Capricorn's love language is acts of service.

Aquarius Love Language

Love language: Acts of service

Aquarians (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) are freedom fighters who value friendship. They aren't typically the overly sentimental or mushy type, but they appreciate when their partner can show them love through action rather than words or physical intimacy. Water-bearers prefer being shown affection in the same way you'd go out of your way to help a friend without asking; thats' right, Aquarius's love language is acts of service. These rebellious signs are ruled by Uranus, the planet of change and innovation, so going above and beyond the traditional limits of love with unique gestures will show them they're really loved.

Pisces Love Language

Love language: Words of affirmation

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) are textbook daydreamers, and when it comes to love, they want the entire package. Specifically, Pisces's love language is words of affirmation, since they prefer to be shown love through words, and the more romantic, the better. These sensitive water signs are ruled by the spiritual planet Neptune, so if you really want to show a Pisces you love them, be sure to remind them of the dreamy ways they impact you.

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