Your 2022 Love Horoscope Is Here, and the Year Is Looking Sexier Than Ever

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Between Olivia Rodrigo dropping her iconic heartbreak album, Sour, and Adele's latest musical masterpiece, 30, one could confidently conclude that 2021 was a tumultuous year of being unlucky in love. But for those who are still holding out hope for romance, it might be worth it to look to the cosmos for a bit of intimate foresight.

"Regardless of your feelings toward astrology, discovering the unique attributes of your birth chart is an excellent way to cultivate self-awareness, and I am a firm believer that doing so can benefit your relationships moving forward in major ways," Valerie Mesa, a Miami-based clairvoyant astrologer, soul coach, and writer, tells POPSUGAR. "Looking at your 2022 love and sex horoscope, there's plenty of astrological insight to work with in the coming year."

To start, the year begins with Jupiter in the dreamy sign of Pisces — a glorious duo that might just surprise you, according to Mesa. "Could something or someone be coming back around for a second chance?" she says. "If there's anything Jupiter in Pisces is trying to teach us, it's to have faith."

POPSUGAR spoke with Mesa, as well as pop-culture astrologer for the New York Post and Page Six, Kyle Thomas, to dish the deeper details of your love horoscope for 2022, and renew your hope for love in the year to come. While you're at it, be sure to read your zodiac sign's 2022 overall horoscope, your 2022 money and career horoscope, your 2022 health and wellness horoscope, and your 2022 friendship horoscope for a well-rounded look at your year ahead.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Discovering What Truly Works For You

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Aries, 2022 is about healing your wounds and figuring out what you want in a romantic relationship, so give yourself time to reflect on love and decide what you want out of love.

"Saturn, the planet of discipline, is orbiting in your eleventh house of friendships, so you might find your focus for 2022 in platonic relationships and your relationship to your community. But once you commit to finding love, your new partner will likely be sophisticated and in a place of power. However, the friendships in your life are important to focus on as they can help bring you closer to your goals and dreams," says Thomas.

Figuring out what you really want out of love could also involve the decision to walk away the relationships or situationships that are doing nothing but draining you. "With the South Node (a sign of what we're collective releasing) in Scorpio and your intimate eighth house of sex, shared resources, and soul bonds, you're being challenged to break free from entanglements that aren't serving your highest self, or that just aren't satisfying you," says Mesa.

Fortunately, with Jupiter entering your sign on May 10, Mesa says the planet of luck might just turn things around for you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 2022 Love Horoscope: You'll Expand Your Network and Find Love Along the Way

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Ready to meet your soulmate, Taurus? Well, it's possible that 2022 will be the year that you do. "This year is all about the crystallization of the life and love you've always dreamed of having," says Mesa. "With lucky Jupiter transiting through Pisces and your 11th house of community, one thing's for sure: this celestial transit comes bearing gifts, which include expanding your network and possibility meeting a potential suitor along the way."

Alternatively, it's possible that you've already met them, but 2022 will help you realize their potential as a partner. "Community is a theme for Taurus in 2022, and some may find their soulmate weaved into their network, but have been waiting for the right time to act on it. Venus, your ruling planet of love and romance, will enter retrograde at the beginning of 2022, so some Taureans may feel nostalgic and lust for people from their past. Others may feel drawn to people from an entirely different lifestyle and background from them," explains Thomas.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Ready to Take the Initiative

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Out with the old, in with the new, Gemini: 2022 is all about reimagining your thoughts on love and finding your sensual power.

"Venus, the planet of romance, will enter retrograde at the top of 2022, encouraging you to explore your needs, both sexual and intimate. Once Mars, the planet of sex and passion, enters retrograde in Gemini around October, you'll feel extra sexy, magnetic, and ready for love," says Thomas.

Of course, with retrogrades come themes from the past, and because Venus rules your romantic fifth house, "don't be surprised if ex-lovers suddenly come out of the woodwork during this retrograde period," says Mesa.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're in For a Series of Serendipitous Events

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Cancer, 2022 is a year for healing, becoming comfortable with intimacy, and finding closure. Take your time in 2022 to learn about your needs in love or get something "off your chest before you completely move on," says Mesa. In doing so, you'll be able to move forward.

"Saturn, which rules discipline and regulation, is hitting your area of intimacy throughout 2022. You might center your focus on healing your heart and learning the power of intimacy, or maybe you're learning to trust again. In 2022, you'll find yourself making peace with the past as you look for closure," explains Thomas.

Fortunately, toward the middle of the year, the cosmos are gracing you with a transit that's much more fun. "Venus's moonlight swim through your sign from July 17 until Aug. 11 never ceases to catch you off guard in the love department," says Mesa. 'With lucky Jupiter in the mix, your charm and powers of persuasion will skyrocket, so go on with your bad self."

Leo (July 23-August 22) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Experiencing a Divine Soul-to-Soul Connection

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Leos, get ready to step into your power, because the upcoming year is here to remind you of your toughness and resiliency. If you've been facing loss or adversity in 2021, you can be sure that 2022 will be a new year to attract love and happiness.

"Jupiter, the planet of luck, is smiling down on your relationship sector, so you'll find a boost of energy in areas of intimacy," says Thomas. "If you've been healing from hurt from past relationships this year, the next will be full of healing. But, don't be too proud to ask for support from others as you process your healing."

Jupiter in Pisces isn't the only transit offering you a renewed sense of hope in the love department. Later in the year, Mesa says, "a Jupiter-ruled new moon in Sagittarius on Nov. 23 will ignite new beginnings in your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, just in time for cuffing season."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Committing to a New Love Chapter

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Virgo, 2022 will be a magical time for you when it comes to romance. If you're looking for a partner, there's a good chance you'll find your match in 2022. If you're in a relationship that's lost its spark, 2022 will give you the strength to find love elsewhere.

"Jupiter, the planet of luck, is leading you to a special union and commitment. Both single and committed Virgos will feel the exciting glow of romance in 2022, but some will also likely find the courage to walk away from unfulfilling relationships," says Thomas.

Mesa says to keep Jan. 25 in mind, when Mars joins transformative Pluto, lighting up your love life. "[Mars in Pluto] adds a sizzling layer of passion and intensity to the mix," she explains. "Your carnal desires are becoming more difficult to resist, and the best part? Potential suitors can't help but feel the exact same way about you."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22) 2022 Love Horoscope: Your Heart Chakra Is Being Activated

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Libra, 2022 is projected to provide you a year of opportunity when it comes to love. And some of you may feel eager to find your soulmate. "This year is about doing what you love and enjoying yourself in the process," says Mesa. "Jupiter will make its ingress in Aries via your seventh house of significant others on May 10, bringing forth the opportunity to meet your special someone."

Although, others may be struggling to keep the romance alive. If that's the case, remember your worth and don't be afraid to speak what's on your heart. "Libra, you're learning some tough lessons as Saturn, which represents karma and discipline, will orbit in your area of passion. Finding or keeping love may feel challenging as you learn that romance may be more than what you bargained for," explains Thomas.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Blessed With the Opportunity of a Lifetime

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Get ready to welcome transformative love, Scorpio, because 2022 is inspiring you to find others on your level. Don't be afraid to walk away from others if they aren't serving you. "Through your transformation in 2022, you may feel you're outgrowing some of your relationships and feel inclined to let go, making room for better connections. You may choose to take your relationship to the next level, whether through marriage or talking long-term with your partner. But if you don't align with one another, you could find yourself leaving," says Thomas.

You might feel the start of this love transformation right at the start of 2022, with the release-hungry South Node entering your sign on Jan. 19 and Venus retrograde until Jan. 29. "Venus will already be retrograde alongside your modern ruler, Pluto, in Capricorn at the beginning of the year, activating your third house of communication," says Mesa. "Are you lacking closure with a significant other? Someone from your past may come back around, so make sure you say what needs to be said."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Getting a Glimpse of the Future

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Sagittarius, both Mesa and Thomas agree you'll find that 2022 will light a fire of love. While most of 2022 is about family for you, you'll find loads of passion in the beginning half of 2022, so be open to it, and don't be afraid of commitment.

"Lucky planet Jupiter will be spinning in your area of passion from May to October, so you'll find an emphasis in your family and domestic partnerships. When Jupiter moves into your house of passion during the summer and fall, you'll find more time to reserve for love — whether it's dating, or sparking fire in your committed relationship," says Thomas.

However, Mesa says Venus retrograde at the start of the year will serve as a reminder that you'll want to ensure you don't get so caught up in passionate affairs that it depletes your own energy and resources. "Where have you been overextending yourself in relationships? It's time to take your power back."

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Doing Your Best to Keep an Open Mind

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Capricorn, 2022 will be a powerful year for love — both platonic and romantic. As you work through big changes, you may feel you've outgrown some people in your life, so be prepared for endings.

"Eclipses will occur in your houses of passion and friendship, so you'll notice huge changes in these areas. You may meet new love interests if you're single, but committed Capricorns will find a rekindling of love with their partner and move into the next phase of their relationship. Conversely, you may find yourself tempted with karmic patterns but learn how much you've outgrown even those," says Thomas.

These changes, while tough, will equip you with the confidence you need to communicate how you're feeling with clarity as the year goes on. "You're more prone to negotiating, speaking your truth, and even telepathically bonding with potential lovers, laying the groundwork for deep connections," says Mesa.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Exploring Options In Search of Something Real

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Aquarius, 2022 is all about self-love as you learn to ebb and flow through relationships that work for, and against you. Stay true to what you learned this year, and carry on in 2022.

"With Venus retrograding alongside Pluto in Capricorn via your secretive 12th house of closure, karma, and dreams, the year starts with you partaking in deep reflection, possibly even revisiting the past energies that still live in the depths of your psyche. Yes, that sounds like a lot, and it is, but it will get better," says Mesa.

In essence, looking within and finding closure will be a huge theme for you next year. "Saturn has been orbiting in your sign since 2021, helping you uncover hard lessons and form new, healthier patterns," says Thomas. "You're finding your power through Saturn's tough love, but lucky Jupiter will help remind you of your self-worth."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 2022 Love Horoscope: You're Finding Your Happiness and Reaping Rewards

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Dream away, Pisces, because 2022 is a lucky and magical year for you. "To say you're being blessed with abundance is an understatement, and the same goes for your love life," says Mesa, noting that this year holds much-needed closure and "fairytale-like" romance for you.

Use this blissful time to reflect and evaluate your ideas of love, including how you want it to be part of your life. This will be important because you'll encounter so much love in 2022. "Jupiter, the lucky planet of expansion, will be living in your zodiac sign for most of 2022, opening your heart to love and helping you find joy in your relationships. While your past may come to visit, you should focus on attracting new connections instead," says Thomas.

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