An Open Letter to Santa From Overworked Moms Everywhere

Dear Santa,

I'm sure you work very hard. After all, it can't be easy trying to squeeze into the same suit every year, especially after eating millions of cookies. Lord knows after a handful of Christmas treats it's hard enough for any of us.

Yet, despite your best intentions, we've had enough.

Every holiday season, what should be an enjoyable time of the year for us to drink cocoa and have family time is spent trying to create a relaxing season for everyone else. Sure, you give gifts to all the good boys and girls, but we have to give presents to every member of our families, and boy, can they be picky.

It would be fantastic if we had your clairvoyant abilities or they sent us their Santa letter, but when was the last time you tried to get a husband to actually tell you what they want without resulting in some CIA level espionage? I bet you send the elves to get a gift for Mrs. Claus, even though she probably bought or made your gift months ago.

Moms are the real gift givers of Christmas. Between buying all the gifts, wrapping them, decorating the house, keeping everyone on top of the advent calendar, and going to the store practically every day during the month of December, we keep the holiday running smoothly.

Maybe if we had thousands of elves at our disposal we could actually get to sit down with a glass of eggnog and a warm cookie. But since we don't, 'tis the season to try and do it all.

And you know who gets credit for it all? That's right: you do.

And you know who gets credit for it all? That's right: you do.

You're not the one who wrapped gifts with truck wrapping paper knowing full well it will make your obsessed kid happy, and yet it's your name that's written on the tag. Our kids will thank you, grateful that their month of being good was enough to warrant such an amazing gift.

So this Christmas, reach into your giant present sack and give all overworked moms the gift we really want: someone else to do all the work so we can relax with our family. Do what you say you're going to do and take care of Christmas. I know that would certainly make us a little more jolly. If you take over going to or hosting just one holiday party, cooking the Christmas ham, or waiting in line for us at the grocery store, we'll definitely forgive the whole "taking credit for Christmas" thing.

Overworked moms everywhere