We're Getting a Taste of What a Trump Presidency Would Look Like — and It's Terrifying

In less than a week, Donald Trump has stirred up more controversy than what's considered normal — even for him. People are now wondering, "Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?" In case you missed it, here's what's been going down:

Since then, several Republicans have said they will ditch Trump and vote for Hillary Clinton in November. This has all given us a glimpse into what life would be like with Trump in the Oval Office. As president, Trump would get criticized and probably respond by getting defensive and bashing the detractor rather than engaging in productive dialogue. As president, Trump would deal with foreign nations about which he knows little. As president, Trump would have to work with people in both parties and likely cause tension that overshadows productivity.

This picture is terrifying and it's another reason we can't afford to let him win this election.