National Hero Seth Rogen Is Trolling the Trumps by Sending Private Twitter Messages

Seth Rogen just stepped up to the plate and showed the masses of anti-Donald Trump internet trolls how it's done. After noticing that the POTUS's son Donald Trump Jr. followed him on Twitter, Rogen reached out to him with one simple request — a request that may or may not have crossed the minds of many Americans following Trump's recent press conference.

Yo! @DonaldJTrumpJr! I noticed you follow me on Twitter. Please ask your dad to resign before he destroys the planet. Thanks dude.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) February 16, 2017

But Rogen quickly realized his request was a whole lot deeper than that, so he decided to go for a more direct approach of reaching out to Trump Jr. by straight-up sliding into his DMs on Twitter. He listed some of Trump's most polarizing actions, such as attacking the media and conspiring with the Russians, and suggested a sure-fire way for Don to ask his dad to leave the White House.

Let's see if this works!

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) February 16, 2017

And it didn't stop there. The comedian shed his usual funny ways and was actually rather serious in a second message that pleaded for an investigation of Michael Flynn's connection to Russia.

If @jasoninthehouse won't investigate Flynn's ties to Russia, maybe I can get his boss' son to help me do it.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) February 16, 2017

Like they always say, the third time's the charm, am I right? At least that's what Rogen thought, because he simply couldn't resist sending a third and final message in which he reassured Don that he's not "a weirdo." Oh, and he sprinkled in a few light requests, too, ending in true Seth Rogen fashion with, "Thanks dude! Peace!!"

Sliding in to your DMs like:

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) February 16, 2017