Make These 69 DIY Cleaning Products For Pennies

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

If you're tired of reaching for cleaning products with ingredients you can't even pronounce, then head to your local grocery store for a few basic components, and make your own. These eco-friendly concoctions will leave your house sparkling. From window cleaner to grout whitener, you'll be amazed at how easy these DIYs are to pull off. And after making the initial investment for the all-natural ingredients, these cleaning supplies cost pennies per concoction to make.

Bathroom Cleaning Wipes
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Bathroom Cleaning Wipes

From shining those countertops to quickly cleaning your commode, these easy DIY bathroom wipes look so chic in an upcycled plastic container.

Dry Laundry Booster
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dry Laundry Booster

Give your clothes a cleaning kick with this easy-to-make dry laundry booster that's made with natural ingredients and won't bleach your clothes.

DIY Liquid Dish Soap
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Liquid Dish Soap

This homemade liquid dish soap leaves dishes wonderfully clean without tons of suds. Add essential oils to personalize the liquid soap.

Garbage Disposal Refreshers
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Garbage Disposal Refreshers

Not only are these garbage disposal refreshers easy to make, but they also look adorable in a cute jar next to your sink. And they really do wonders, eliminating unwanted odors.

Dry Carpet Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dry Carpet Cleaner

If you've got wall-to-wall carpeting, then this dry carpet cleaner is perfect for you. Sprinkle it on, and let it do its job. Vacuum to reveal fresh and clean rugs.

Homemade Dryer Sheets
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Homemade Dryer Sheets

Not only are these dryer sheets eco-friendly, but they're also reusable, making them a must have for your laundry room.

Tub, Tile, and Grout Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Tub, Tile, and Grout Cleaner

Keep your bathroom's tub, tile, and grout fresh and clean sans harsh chemicals with this homemade cleaner.

DIY Stain Remover
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Stain Remover

Stains happen, which makes this DIY stain remover perfect for getting rid of unwanted marks.

Homemade Furniture Polish
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Homemade Furniture Polish

Your wooden furniture will glow after using this homemade furniture polish. And you probably already have all the ingredients you need for tossing this polish together.

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

You will be amazed at how easy it is to make your own general cleaner. And you can personalize this grease-buster with a fresh scent, like rosemary, lemon, or orange.

Homemade Floor Wipes
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Homemade Floor Wipes

Not only are these floor wipes easy to make, but they are also reusable, making them just about the coolest eco-friendly cleaning product ever.

Fruit and Vegetable Cleaning Spray
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Fruit and Vegetable Cleaning Spray

Naturally remove residue and waxy buildup on your fresh fruits and vegetables with this eco-friendly and all-natural cleaning spray.

Reusable Dusting Wipes
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Reusable Dusting Wipes

Banish dust with these reusable dusting wipes that also leave a lovely scent. Simply use the saturated sheet, toss it in the wash, and then pop it back in the container.

Liquid Laundry Detergent
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Liquid Laundry Detergent

This DIY liquid laundry detergent will leave your clothes fresh and clean. Made with Borax and super washing soda, you can add essential oils to elevate the scent.

Carpet Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Carpet Cleaner

Fear spills no more with this carpet cleaner that really does a number on stains. Plus, it's wonderfully easy to make and leaves rugs looking brand-new.

Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Your commode will sparkle after using this homemade toilet bowl cleaner. Made with vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide, this natural cleaner does all the dirty work.

Eco-Friendly Fabric Softener
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Eco-Friendly Fabric Softener

Instead of tossing down for name-brand fabric softener, make your own softening solution that leaves clothes wonderfully downy.

Dishwasher Bombs
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dishwasher Bombs

Clean your not-so-fresh dishwasher with the help of these baking soda dishwasher bombs that leave things shiny and smelling wonderful.

Leather Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Leather Cleaner

Make your leather furniture look brand-new with eco-friendly leather cleaner. And this quick clean is a must do during the hot Summer months.

Metal Pan Scrubber
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Metal Pan Scrubber

We've all got a few pots and pans hiding that could use a good scrubbing, which makes this amazing metal cleaner the perfect thing to have them looking like new in no time.

Handy DIY Cleaning Wipes
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Handy DIY Cleaning Wipes

Transform an old coffee can into a chic holder for these cleaning wipes.

Toilet Bombs
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Toilet Bombs

They're not necessarily a "cleaner," but these eco-friendly toilet bombs bust through clogged toilets, resulting in a happy bathroom.

Wood Floor Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Wood Floor Cleaner

Your wood floors will shine after cleaning them with this homemade wood floor cleaner. And the addition of essential oil leaves your house smelling wonderful.

Homemade Soft Scrub
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Homemade Soft Scrub

Clean your casserole pans with the help of this homemade soft scrub that won't scratch while tackling baked-on food.

Attack Hard Water Stains
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Attack Hard Water Stains

If you've got tile in your tub or glass shower doors that show each and every hard water stain, here's a simple Epsom salts scrub that will make things sparkle.

All-in-One Laundry Bombs
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

All-in-One Laundry Bombs

Tired of schlepping detergent and fabric softener around with your laundry? Here's an easy solution that cleans and softens clothes — all-in-one laundry bombs!

Travel-Size Stain Stick
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Travel-Size Stain Stick

Even when traveling, this homemade stain stick can tackle tough marks. And this helper repurposes deodorant or lip gloss containers. Tuck in your purse or travel bag so it's handy when needed.

Dusting Spray
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dusting Spray

Keep your home dust-free with this DIY dusting spray that also gently cleans your favorite furniture.

Nontoxic Bleach
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Nontoxic Bleach

Instead of reaching for harsh bleach that instantly discolors anything it touches and can be toxic if ingested, try making your own homemade blend instead.

Grapefruit Salt Bathroom Scrub
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Grapefruit Salt Bathroom Scrub

Here's a bathroom cleaner that's also awesome for you! Along with buffing away soap scum, this scrub can be used on your body as an exfoliant.

DIY Citrus Spray
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Citrus Spray

Don't toss your orange and lemon peels! Use them for making this seriously easy citrus spray that does an amazing job cleaning greasy countertops.

Borax-Free Liquid Laundry Detergent
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Borax-Free Liquid Laundry Detergent

Made with natural ingredients, this borax-free laundry detergent is tough on stains but gentle on your clothes. And the detergent is great for those with sensitive skin.

Daily Shower Spray
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Daily Shower Spray

With only three ingredients, spray your way to a clean shower every day. The dish soap helps keep your shower sparkling while the vinegar disinfects with this DIY shower spray.

Dish Soak Fizzies
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dish Soak Fizzies

Don't feel like doing the dishes? No problem. Make these dish soak fizzies that do all the tough work for you.

Linen and Mattress Spray
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Linen and Mattress Spray

Want to keep your sheets fresh? This homemade linen spray will lengthen the time between washings and keeps your sheets smelling heavenly.

DIY Pine-Sol
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Pine-Sol

You only need three ingredients to mix together this knockoff cleaner! You'll love how fresh and clean your house is after using.

Monitor Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Monitor Cleaner

Tired of a streaky monitor? DIY your own spray cleaner that leaves screens so clean — and free of streaks!

DIY Goo Gone
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Goo Gone

Sticky stuff, begone! Mix together this easy cleaning concoction that removes residue from just about anything.

Mold and Mildew Killer
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Mold and Mildew Killer

Tired of mold and mildew in your space? Mix together an antifungal and antibacterial spray that keeps it away for good.

Freshen Carpets
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Freshen Carpets

If you have wall-to-wall rugs that don't smell so fresh, thanks to mold and mildew, mix together this carpet deodorizer that cleans while refreshing.

Garbage Disposal Cleaners
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Garbage Disposal Cleaners

If you're a coffee lover, save your used grounds to DIY these disposal cleaners that also leave your drain smelling amazing.

DIY Washing Soda
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Washing Soda

Want to elevate your favorite laundry detergent? DIY your own washing soda using regular baking soda and a little help from your oven.

Car Upholstery Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Car Upholstery Cleaner

Keep your car seats looking brand-new with this eco-friendly car cleaner that's safe to use around kids and pets.

Fresh Garbage Disposal
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Fresh Garbage Disposal

Toss one of these frozen citrus rosemary garbage disposal cleaners down your drain for a really fresh kitchen sink.

DIY Antibacterial Spray
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Antibacterial Spray

Keep your entire space germ-free with a DIY antibacterial spray that's safe to use around pets and kids.

Lemon Dishwasher Tabs
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Lemon Dishwasher Tabs

Your dishes will love these lemon dishwasher tabs that leave everything sparkling.

DIY Febreze
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Febreze

Refresh all the fabrics in your home with this easy-to-make DIY version of Febreze. You're going to love it!

All-Natural Rinse Aid
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

All-Natural Rinse Aid

Keep your dishes sparkling with this eco-friendly rinse aid that also leaves your dishwasher smelling fresh, too.

Dry Fabric Softener
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Dry Fabric Softener

Bring the fluffy back to your favorite linens and clothes with dry fabric softener that you can personalize with your favorite scent.

Fabric Softener Sponges
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Fabric Softener Sponges

Put sponges to good use, along with a few other ingredients, and DIY fabric softener sponges that can be used over and over again.

Spray Stain Remover
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Spray Stain Remover

Target tough marks with an all-natural stain remover that really works.

One-Swipe Mirror Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

One-Swipe Mirror Cleaner

Mix together ingredients you all ready have in your pantry for a mirror cleaner that only needs one swipe, which leaves reflective glass sparkling.

Rosemary Garbage Disposal Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Rosemary Garbage Disposal Cleaner

Sharpen your garbage disposal blades while giving them a deep cleaning with the help of fresh rosemary. And these frozen cleaners also add flavor to soups and stews!

Food-Safe Kitchen Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Food-Safe Kitchen Cleaner

Harness the cleaning power of vinegar, the antibacterial qualities of rosemary, and the fresh scent of citrus in this DIY food-safe kitchen cleaner.

Child-Safe All-Purpose Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Child-Safe All-Purpose Cleaner

Safe to use around pets and kids, this disinfecting cleaner is smart to have on hand.

Naturally Whiten With Lemons
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Naturally Whiten With Lemons

Instead of reaching for bleach, try using lemons for naturally whitening delicates such as linens or lace.

Pop-Up Cleaning Wipes
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Pop-Up Cleaning Wipes

Transform old t-shirts into pop-up cleaning wipes that can be used on their own for dusting or moistened with your favorite cleaner for wiping up messes.

Mirror Antifogger
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Mirror Antifogger

Keep mirrors from getting steamy after showers with this all-natural antifogger mirror spray.

Essential Oil Laundry Detergent
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Essential Oil Laundry Detergent

Make a natural laundry detergent personalized with your favorite essential oil that leaves your clothes smelling so fabulous.

Blender Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Blender Cleaner

You'll never believe how easy it is to clean your blender — and it only takes a few seconds!

Deep Clean Your Faucet
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Deep Clean Your Faucet

Along with helping to wash your hands, your faucet needs a cleaning too. Follow these easy steps to keep it wonderfully fresh.

Garbage Disposal Deep-Clean
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Garbage Disposal Deep-Clean

Take a few moments to give your garbage disposal a deep cleaning, which keeps it running wonderfully for years to come.

Liquid Dish Soap
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Liquid Dish Soap

Save money and DIY liquid dish soap with all-natural ingredients that leave your plates and glasses sparkling.

Coconut Oil Hand Soap
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Coconut Oil Hand Soap

Make your own hand soap with soothing coconut oil that leaves your hands so clean — and smelling so fresh.

Cleaning Water Bottle Fizzies
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Cleaning Water Bottle Fizzies

Drop one of these fizzies into your water bottle for instant clean. And they are safe to use in plastic, glass, and metal bottles.

DIY Oxygen Bleach
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

DIY Oxygen Bleach

Give cleaning a superboost and DIY liquid oxygen bleach. It's safe to use on countertops, just about anywhere in the bathroom, and for extra whitening on linens.

All-Natural Vase Cleaner
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

All-Natural Vase Cleaner

If you have vases with hard-to-reach spots, this natural cleaning solution will bust through buildup, leaving glass containers so fresh.

Car Window Defogger
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Car Window Defogger

Although not necessarily a cleaner, this DIY car window defogger is a must have, keeping windows so clear.