Take a Greyhound Bus Across America For as Little as $129!

There has been a huge movement in train travel across the country, but what about taking a bus? You can still see so many parts of America and it's way cheaper. Greyhound is offering tickets for as little as $121 to go from San Francisco to New York City. Pretty insane, right?

On the trip, you will pass through some of America's major cities, including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Denver, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Philadelphia. The stops are often an hour or more, so you have time to eat, explore the area, and stretch your legs. The entire trip takes about three days.

There is free WiFi and individual power outlets on every bus, so you can bring all of your electronics with you. And don't worry, there's a bathroom on board. So what do you think? Would you see the United States by bus? The price is right and it would be a pretty epic story to tell. If you're curious about what the bus looks like, check out the video below.

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