Starting a Bullet Journal Completely Changed My Productivity

Burst | Matthew Henry

Out of all the current trends I have tried in terms of productivity and organization, none have even come close to the incredible benefits of bullet journaling. Now, I'm not exactly an aficionado when it comes to organization, nor can I claim to have my sh*t together all the time, but I sincerely mean it when I say that using a bullet journal changed so much about the way I live.

My day to day looks vastly different than it once did, and for the better. Like many others, I work as a freelancer from home, and I have often struggled with discipline and finding motivation to get things done in a timely manner. Bullet journaling came in and turned that feeling on its head; now I look forward to completing tasks, and crossing those daily necessities off my to-do list. Here are a few of my best tips and ideas on how using a bullet journal can help you, too!

You Can Track Literally Everything
Unsplash | Estée Janssens

You Can Track Literally Everything

Bullet journals are well-known for being great tools in the workplace or for schoolwork because of how well they can help you stay organized. This is totally true, but it can be used for so much more than that. Personally, in addition to work, I also use my bullet journal to track things like my mood and eating habits. Putting the ways I'm feeling or eating every day down on paper helps me understand my own habits and patterns, and how I can change or improve them as I see fit.

It's Completely Customizable to Your Needs
Burst | Matthew Henry

It's Completely Customizable to Your Needs

I've seen some of my more artistic friends using bullet journals, and wow . . . theirs look WAY better than mine. At first, before I decided to bite the bullet (get it?) and start my own journal, the blank canvas aspect of it intimidated me. I'm not as creative or artistically talented as they are, so how can I make one that I will end up loving, too? I decided to start one anyway, and I'm so happy that I did. Because bullet journals are totally customizable to you, you get to decide how intricate and creative they will be. Not the best artist? No problem at all (I'm not either!). You can make yours simple and straightforward, while adding elements that are unique to you. Whether you need to see some inspirational and colorful messages next to your weekly goals, a simple grocery list, or an hourly breakdown of your day — it's ultimately up to you.

You Can Use a Bullet Journal as an Accountability Buddy
Unsplash | Issac Smith

You Can Use a Bullet Journal as an Accountability Buddy

As someone who does freelance work from home, I've sometimes found myself wasting what ends up being hours in a day by allowing myself to be distracted by anything and everything. This has definitely kept me from crushing all my goals and accomplishing big things at times. Using my bullet journal has really reshaped this habit, however. Because it's so customizable, I'm not limited to just filling out a calendar and a simple to-do list. I can get really specific on what goals I am trying to reach and physically fill them in as I make progress toward achieving them. Once I see the whole tracker filled, I have a little celebratory party inside, and then get right back to working towards filling in the next one. Watching each of those goals get fulfilled has increased my motivation tremendously, and I'm so thankful for that!

They Can Serve as a Different Kind of Journal
Unsplash | Estée Janssens

They Can Serve as a Different Kind of Journal

If you flip through my bullet journal, you'll see that no page is the same. Each month I include different elements, depending on what is happening in my life. I don't just use it for lists, trackers, and work calendars, either. I also love to include small reminders and mementos of memories I've made each month. Your bullet journal can be just like a traditional journal, too. Doodles, pictures, and plane or concert tickets are scattered throughout my pages because I want to include every part of my life so that I can always look back on everything I enjoyed each month, in addition to all that I accomplished.

You Can Use It to Broaden Your Horizons
Flickr | Louise Marston

You Can Use It to Broaden Your Horizons

This is one of the more fun aspects of using a bullet journal — you can challenge yourself to try new things each month, week, or even each day. Whether it be a new book you want to read, recipe you want to try, or a trip you want to plan — the possibilities are totally endless. Just like you can challenge yourself to reach all of your goals and deadlines, you can also use the journal as a reminder to challenge yourself in your personal growth.