10 "Mistakes" You Should Make (and Learn From) in Your 20s

Your 20s are arguably the best time in your life to make mistakes. Late nights, one too many spiked seltzers, maxing out your first credit card . . . it's all a part of being young. While there will most likely come a point in your life when growing up hits you like a ton of bricks, your 20s are the time for making all the mistakes you can, and, most importantly, learning from them.

Living in a Crappy Apartment
Getty | Busà Photography

Living in a Crappy Apartment

Most people aren't necessarily financially stable in their 20s, so that sometimes means living in a sh*tty apartment with lots of Craigslist furniture and one, two, or three roommates. It'll be an experience you won't be able to match in years to come and, we promise, you'll learn a ton about how yourself and other people in the process.

Buying the Impulse Buy That Leads to Eating Instant Ramen For a Month
Getty | Halfpoint Images

Buying the Impulse Buy That Leads to Eating Instant Ramen For a Month

Go ahead and spend the money every once in a while. If you buy something that will still be in style 10 years from now, it will make it hard to see it as a mistake when you're still wearing it in your 30s.

Having a Drunk Fiasco(s)
Getty | Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury

Having a Drunk Fiasco(s)

There comes a time when you realize you can't drink like you used to in your 20s, so be sure to live it up while you still can (all while being safe, of course) — even if it means an embarrassing text or photo or two.

Starting Out at a Low Paying Job
Getty | Compassionate Eye Foundation/Hie

Starting Out at a Low Paying Job

Even if you accept a low-paying job after college, many jobs in your 20s turn out to be stepping stones toward your dream job. Every job will teach you something you can use in the future.

Staying in a Mediocre Relationship For a Little Longer Than You Should Have
Getty | Manuel Breva Colmeiro

Staying in a Mediocre Relationship For a Little Longer Than You Should Have

Whether it's someone you met in college or even high school, you'll look back on all the just-OK relationships from your 20s and be glad they led you one step closer to your soulmate.

Splurging on a Trip Abroad
Getty | Towfiqu Photography

Splurging on a Trip Abroad

Even if it costs you an entire month's rent, your 20s are undoubtably the best time to experience new countries and cultures.

Taking a Crazy Risk
Getty | Graiki

Taking a Crazy Risk

Your sense of adventure is definitely at an all time high while in your 20s. Take advantage of it!

Not Exercising Enough

Not Exercising Enough

It's easy to be hard on yourself for skipping the gym to sleep in, but sometimes those extra hours of rest are necessary (particularly after a night out with friends you'll never forget).

Uprooting Your Life to Move Far Away

Uprooting Your Life to Move Far Away

While it likely feels safe to live close to home and your family, it's important to broaden your horizons while in your 20s, and that may mean making a drastic move to a new place where you don't know anyone. Some might think you'll regret changing your life so drastically, but you'll come to appreciate the experience later.