14 Bad Habits You Can Break Right Now to Live Your Best Life

Unsplash | hannah grace

Everyone has a few bad habits they just can't break. And while a lot of these aren't necessarily that terrible (a few "bad" things can be fun, right?), it's healthy to try to break at least a few of them in order to live a more fulfilling life. Whether you constantly check your email outside of work hours or hit the snooze button way too many times every morning, nobody is perfect. The good news is that a few small changes can go a long way. Keep reading for 14 bad habits you can stop doing right now (or at least make a few tweaks to) that will make you feel a lot better. Here's to living your best life!


Hitting the Snooze Button

Some mornings you just can't, and hitting the snooze button is inevitable. But making a regular habit of it isn't a good idea. It can make you more tired, late for wherever you need to be, and rush so you miss something important like breakfast or, you know, putting on deodorant.


Skipping Breakfast

Like I mentioned above, you don't want to skimp on breakfast. The benefits of starting your day with a good meal are immense. It fuels your body and gives you energy that will help you start your day right. When you skip breakfast, you're more likely to snack throughout the day, experience low energy levels, and gain or retain excess weight. Grab that a.m. fuel!


Going to Bed Late

A good night's rest is essential for a lot of reasons, and going to bed late makes getting seven to eight hours of sleep nearly impossible. While watching a movie or scrolling through social media is fine to wind down, make sure you cut it off at a decent time. Your morning self will thank you for it.


Smoking or Vaping

It shouldn't come as a surprise that smoking and vaping are bad habits you need to break. Your overall health, and the health of those around you, depends on it. The faster you can break these habits, the better you'll feel.


Letting Fear Stop You

Have you ever wanted to do something that really excited you, but you let the fear of failure stop you? If you're constantly waiting for the "right time" to chase your dreams, that time is now. Stop waiting for that sign to do something. This is it. Go out and do what makes you happy.


Saying Yes to Everything

Are you a "yes" person? While you might find it difficult to say no to things, whether it be hanging out with friends when you'd rather be alone or taking on more work than you can handle, you have to think of your own happiness first. Once you realize it's OK to say no, you'll find your life is a lot less hectic and a lot more fulfilling.



It's so easy to complain when things don't go our way. And, let's face it, it just feels good to vent sometimes! But try not to make it a regular habit. Having a more positive outlook can transform your life and improve your mood immensely.


Spending Too Much Time on Your Phone

It's great to catch up on your friends' latest travel adventures on Instagram or watch funny videos, but spending all (or most) of your free time on social media definitely isn't a good thing. Instead of looking at everyone else's highlight reels, put down your phone and make things happen in your own life that are worth reliving. Sharing things on social media is fun, but make sure you also enjoy being in the moment sometimes for nobody else to enjoy but yourself.


Not Having Any Savings

Whether it's an emergency fund, a 401(k), or a savings account, putting money away for a rainy day is so important. Saving in big or small ways doesn't just set you up for a better future, it also relieves stress when you face some of life's inevitable setbacks. Even if it's a small portion of your paycheck each week, it's best to get in the habit of having some sort of savings.


Feeling Guilty

Life can be stressful, and guilt is one of those emotions that can wreak havoc on your psyche if you let it. While it's only natural to feel guilty about some things, you shouldn't feel guilty about everything you do or don't do. Find a healthy balance in life, and remind yourself that you're just doing the best you can!


Not Staying in Touch

Life is busy, but life is also short. There are a lot of people out there who would love to hear from you, so make a regular effort to reach out to your parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, or other family members. Whether you pick up the phone for a chat or send a handwritten letter, your heart will feel full by talking to those you love and who love you.


Sweating the Small Stuff

Little annoyances happen all the time, and while getting upset here and there is fine, don't let yourself get down about them all. Learning to let the little things go will get rid of so much weight on your shoulders, and it'll also give you the strength and mindset to handle the bigger things when they come your way.


Apologizing For Everything

Saying sorry seems to be a part of almost every conversation in today's society. It's not just a ritual that's lost its effect, it's a habit that's damaging to our self-esteem. Stop tossing around apologizes for everything you think you do wrong, and start asking yourself if each situation holds enough significance to require an apology.


Skipping Self-Care

You can't pour from an empty cup. Self-care is so important, no matter what everyone around you has going on. When you take care of yourself, everything else will be easier.

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