Our Editors Share the Things They Did in 2020 That They NEVER Thought They'd Do

POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

In the midst of this most unpredictable year, many of us adapted to the twists and turns in our own unpredictable ways. We found solace in new hobbies, streaming entertainment, and skills, sometimes surprising even ourselves with what we learned, experimented with, and became passionate about in 2020.

As our own POPSUGAR editors reflected on this monumental year, it was the things in our lives that we truly didn't see coming that were most memorable. We found ways to stay healthy and happy at home, we celebrated milestones over Zoom, we uncovered hidden talents, and yes, we crafted, we baked, and we puzzled.

While we're happy to turn the page on a year that has brought so much pain, stress, and loss, we're also grateful for the unexpected triumphs and moments of joy (and humor) we experienced this year despite it all. From making a purse out of Kraft Singles to getting an at-home Brazilian from a partner, we're sharing the one thing each of us did this year that we never thought we'd do. It was a wild ride, ya'll. Thanks for the memories, 2020.

Drink a Gallon of Water a Day

"I got in the habit of drinking a gallon of water a day. (I have always sucked at drinking water.)" — Sarah Wasilak, editor, Fashion

Regular Cardio

"Cardio is something I never thought I'd do voluntarily, but here I am jump-roping three times a week!" — Stephanie Nguyen, senior editor, branded content

POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

Join a Virtual Choir

"I joined a virtual adult choir through Brooklyn Music School, and it was one of my favorite hours each week! Hopefully my neighbors didn't mind too much . . ." — Lisa Peterson, senior manager, social media

Make Sourdough Bread

"I finally got around to making sourdough! It was something I had watched on YouTube for years, and back in June I finally bit the bullet and began my starter. His name is Bubbles, and he gives me two gorgeous loaves every week! I really can never eat store-bought bread again." — Charisandra Perez, coordinator, social and partnerships

Graduate From College and Start a Job, Virtually in Both Cases

"On a serious note, I graduated from college virtually and started a job from home! On a lighter note, I never thought I would read so many books in a single year. It's been a New Year's resolution of mine for years, but I have never dedicated the time to achieving it. This January, I set a goal of one book a month. I hadn't finished one book at the start of March, but I finished 18 by the end of September." — Allison Ingrum, editorial operations support associate

Celebrate a Birthday Over Zoom

"I celebrated my birthday over Zoom with my family. I also learned how to make arepas over Zoom with my friends who live in different cities." — Victoria Messina, associate editor, trending and viral features

Let My Partner Give Me a Brazilian Wax

"I never, ever, ever thought I would let my partner give me a Brazilian wax. Yet, I politely asked her because I was desperate . . ." — Kelsey Castañon, director, Beauty

POPSUGAR Photography | Maggie Panos

Spray-Color My Hair

"I did spray-color my hair! (RIP my shower floor.)" — Maggie Panos, senior editor, Voices

Discover a Love of Baking

"I never thought I would get so into baking! I used to bake with my grandma during the holiday season, but I never really enjoyed it just because of how tedious and time-consuming it was. This year that all changed. I loved finding new recipes, getting the ingredients, spending time in the kitchen, and giving my baked goods to close friends to enjoy. Now I get the hype!" — Lauren Harano, editorial assistant, growth and strategic features

Crafting With Clay

"I crafted with polymer clay and read for pleasure." — Jenny Sugar, staff writer, Fitness

Binge-Watch Entire TV Shows

"This might sound lukewarm, but I don't enjoy or watch a lot of movies or TV, and spending so much time inside has given me the opportunity to watch around 12 TV shows from beginning to end! My favorites: The West Wing, Community, and Veronica Mars." — Madeleine Fournier, senior social coordinator

Bleach and Dye My Hair

"I bleached and dyed my hair at home! Well, I had a friend help with the bleach, but I always swore up and down I'd leave it to the professionals." — Riyana Straetker, editor, Voices

POPSUGAR Photography | Tara Block

Learn to Bake Sourdough Bread

"Before this year, I could barely boil water properly, and most of my meals were frozen, takeout, or at a restaurant. Baking bread has been the perfect distraction during this crazy year. It's relaxing, it's hands-on (can't scroll on my phone with my hands wrist-deep in sticky dough), it's practical, and it gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Plus, it's so fun sharing the delicious fruits of my labor with friends and family!" — Tara Block, director, growth and strategic features


"Cross-stitching. I actually failed a cross-stitching assignment when I was in elementary school, so it's shocking to me I picked it up even after that." — Alessandra Foresto, deputy editor

Make Beaded Bracelets

"I made beaded bracelets." — Haley Lyndes, editorial assistant, growth and strategic features

Take an Online Meditation Class

"I took an online meditation class from Chorus Meditation with Luigi. I cried and it was a great release. It would be great for anyone really looking to clear their head and get emotions out!" — Lisa Sugar, president, POPSUGAR

Dye My Mom's Hair

"I dyed my mom's roots." — Perri Konecky, editor, trending and viral features

Start Cooking

"I started cooking! I used to eat salad out for lunch, go out to dinner, order takeout, or just snack (unhealthy habits) — the list goes on. But one thing I never did was cook. This year, I finally started. I feel so much healthier eating well-balanced and thought-out meals." — Krista Jones, associate editor, Shop

Bake Banana Bread

"I baked like 10 loaves of banana bread." — Christina Stiehl, senior editor, Fitness

Make a Purse Out of Cheese

"I made a purse out of Kraft Singles." — Nora Smith, senior social media and partnerships coordinator

Wax My Eyebrows

"I waxed my own eyebrows." — Karenna Meredith, associate editor, trending and viral features

Live With My In-Laws

"I lived with my in-laws for three months." — Hannah Weil McKinley, director, Fashion

Take Language Classes

"I took language classes." — Cynthia Puleo, copy editor

POPSUGAR Photography | Caitlin Gallagher

Bake Elaborate Things

"I baked really elaborate things! I love baking and always want to try new recipes, but with the extra time at home I actually pushed myself to bake things that I always only thought I would but kept putting off, like a roll cake." — Caitlin Gallagher, senior editor, Living


"I homeschooled my kids and did a cross-country camping road trip with my family." — Kate Schweitzer, senior editor, Family


"I worked on a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle with my husband and was shocked by how engrossed I was in the process. Prepandemic, I wouldn't have had the patience or interest, and I definitely wouldn't have believed I could keep track of 1,000 tiny pieces with a young toddler and 4-year-old running around. For the record, we ended up being three pieces short, but I didn't care. In the end, it was the process, not the finished product, that mattered." — Angela Elias, director, Family

Make Horchata

"I learned how to make horchata, which is surprisingly very easy." — Tamara Pridgett, associate editor, Fitness

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